mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 19:57:15 +01:00
Remove `exwm--with-current-id`, which was introduced to as a wrapper to `with-current-buffer` to do extra checks. Note that in functions run as hooks, the validation of window ID is still required as they are not synchronized with events.
714 lines
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714 lines
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;;; exwm.el --- Emacs X Window Manager -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2015 Chris Feng
;; Author: Chris Feng <chris.w.feng@gmail.com>
;; Keywords: unix
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;; This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this file. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Commentary:
;; Overview
;; --------
;; EXWM (Emacs X Window Manager) turns Emacs into a full-featured tiling X
;; window manager. It's built on top of XELB, thus purely consists of Elisp
;; codes. Some features include:
;; + It's fully keyboard-driven.
;; - You have full access to all key bindings in Emacs.
;; - It allows you to bind additional key sequences with `exwm-input-set-key'
;; (just like `global-set-key').
;; - It supports simulation keys (i.e., map one key sequence to another).
;; + Workspace support.
;; - EXWM support up to 10 workspaces.
;; + ICCCM/EWMH compliance.
;; - Note that the support for EWMH can never be complete since EXWM is not a
;; conventional window manager.
;; How it works
;; ------------
;; Emacs itself is a tiling window manager, though unfortunately not for
;; managing X things. EXWM has therefore been created to overcome this limitation
;; by relating X concepts to Emacs ones as shown in the following table.
;; +=============+=========+
;; | X Window | Emacs |
;; +=============+=========+
;; | window | buffer |
;; +-------------+---------+
;; | container* | window |
;; +-------------+---------+
;; | workspace / | frame** |
;; | decoration | |
;; +=============+=========+
;; * Here a container means the parent of an X client window created by window
;; manager for layout management.
;; ** In EXWM, A frame usually acts as a workspace. But for a floating window,
;; it's the decoration around the top-level window.
;; Each X client window corresponds to a dedicated buffer in EXWM mode. When
;; such a buffer is buried or unburied, the attached X client window is hide or
;; shown accordingly. The position and size of the X client window is then
;; determined by the Emacs window its corresponding buffer displayed in.
;; A buffer in EXWM mode also records which workspace it belongs to, and its
;; attached X client window is made a child (in the sense of X) of the
;; workspace frame. The switch between workspaces is simply done by switching
;; corresponding Emacs frames.
;; Installation & configuration
;; ----------------------------
;; Here are the minimal steps to get EXWM working:
;; 0. Install xelb and xelb-util first.
;; 1. Put EXWM somewhere on your disk and make sure it's in `load-path'.
;; 2. In your Emacs init file, add following lines (modify accordingly):
;; (require 'exwm)
;; ;; We always need a way to go back from char-mode to line-mode
;; (exwm-input-set-key (kbd "s-r") 'exwm-reset)
;; ;; Bind a key to switch workspace interactively
;; (exwm-input-set-key (kbd "s-w") 'exwm-workspace-switch)
;; ;; Use class name to name an EXWM buffer
;; (add-hook 'exwm-update-class-hook
;; (lambda () (rename-buffer exwm-class-name t)))
;; ;; Enable EXWM
;; (exwm-enable)
;; 3. Make a file '~/.xinitrc' with the content
;; exec emacs
;; 4. Launch EXWM in a console with
;; xinit
;; You should refer to other resources on how to further configure '~/.xinitrc'
;; and other init scripts to improve the working experience. Besides, you
;; should hide the menu-bar, tool-bar, etc to increase the usable space.
;; Interactive modes
;; -----------------
;; There are two modes in EXWM to interact with an X client window: line mode
;; and char mode. They are analogous to those concepts in `ansi-term'. EXWM
;; buffers are created in line mode by default.
;; In line mode, all key events are intercepted and then forwarded to the X
;; client window except
;; + it forms a mode-specific key sequence (which begins with 'C-c'), or
;; + it forms a key sequence bound with `exwm-input-set-key', or
;; + it forms a key sequence starting with a line mode prefix key, or
;; + it forms a key sequence in line mode simulation keys.
;; You can use 'C-c q' (bound to `exwm-input-send-next-key', can be 'C-u'
;; prefixed) to send these keys to the client.
;; In char mode however, no key event is intercepted except those bound with
;; `exwm-input-set-key'. Therefore you will almost always need to
;; 'exwm-input-set-key' a key sequence to go from char mode to line mode.
;; Related projects
;; ----------------
;; EXWM is not the first attempt to make Emacs an X window manger; there is
;; another ancient project called XWEM (http://www.nongnu.org/xwem/) for
;; XEmacs, though it seems nobody have ever got it working on GNU Emacs.
;; Todo:
;; + Investigate DnD support (e.g. drag a chromium tab to another window).
;; + Auto hide minibuffer, or allow users to place it elsewhere.
;; + Add system tray support.
;; References:
;; + dwm (http://dwm.suckless.org/)
;; + i3 wm (https://i3wm.org/)
;; + Also see references within each required library.
;;; Code:
(require 'xcb)
(require 'xcb-icccm)
(require 'xcb-ewmh)
(require 'exwm-workspace)
(require 'exwm-layout)
(require 'exwm-floating)
(require 'exwm-manage)
(require 'exwm-input)
(require 'exwm-randr)
(defvar exwm-debug-on nil "Non-nil to turn on debug for EXWM.")
(defmacro exwm--log (format-string &rest args)
"Print debug message."
(when exwm-debug-on
`(message (concat "[EXWM] " ,format-string) ,@args)))
(defconst exwm--client-event-mask
(logior xcb:EventMask:StructureNotify xcb:EventMask:PropertyChange)
"Event mask set on all managed windows.")
(defvar exwm--connection nil "X connection.")
(defvar exwm--root nil "Root window.")
(defvar exwm--id-buffer-alist nil "Alist of (<X window ID> . <Emacs buffer>)")
(defsubst exwm--id->buffer (id)
"X window ID => Emacs buffer."
(cdr (assoc id exwm--id-buffer-alist)))
(defsubst exwm--buffer->id (buffer)
"Emacs buffer => X window ID."
(car (rassoc buffer exwm--id-buffer-alist)))
(defun exwm--lock (&rest args) ;args are for abnormal hook
"Lock (disable all events)."
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:ChangeWindowAttributes
:window exwm--root
:value-mask xcb:CW:EventMask
:event-mask xcb:EventMask:NoEvent))
(xcb:flush exwm--connection))
(defun exwm--unlock (&rest args) ;args are for abnormal hook
"Unlock (enable all events)."
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:ChangeWindowAttributes
:window exwm--root
:value-mask xcb:CW:EventMask
:event-mask (logior xcb:EventMask:StructureNotify
(xcb:flush exwm--connection))
(defun exwm--make-emacs-idle-for (seconds)
"Put Emacs in idle state for SECONDS seconds."
(with-timeout (seconds) (read-event)))
(defun exwm-reset ()
"Reset window to standard state: non-fullscreen, line-mode."
(unless (frame-parameter nil 'exwm-window-id)
;; Move focus away form a non-EXWM frame
(x-focus-frame exwm-workspace--current))
(with-current-buffer (window-buffer)
(when (eq major-mode 'exwm-mode)
(when exwm--fullscreen (exwm-layout-unset-fullscreen))
;; Force update input focus
(setq exwm-input--focus-id xcb:Window:None)
;; Force refresh
(defun exwm--update-window-type (id &optional force)
(with-current-buffer (exwm--id->buffer id)
(unless (and exwm-window-type (not force))
(let ((reply (xcb:+request-unchecked+reply exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:ewmh:get-_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE
:window id))))
(when reply ;nil when destroyed
(setq exwm-window-type (append (slot-value reply 'value) nil)))))))
(defvar exwm-update-class-hook nil
"Normal hook run when window class is updated.")
(defun exwm--update-class (id &optional force)
"Update WM_CLASS."
(with-current-buffer (exwm--id->buffer id)
(unless (and exwm-instance-name exwm-class-name (not force))
(let ((reply (xcb:+request-unchecked+reply exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:icccm:get-WM_CLASS :window id))))
(when reply ;nil when destroyed
(setq exwm-instance-name (slot-value reply 'instance-name)
exwm-class-name (slot-value reply 'class-name))
(when (and exwm-instance-name exwm-class-name)
(run-hooks 'exwm-update-class-hook)))))))
(defvar exwm-update-title-hook nil
"Normal hook run when window title is updated.")
(defun exwm--update-utf8-title (id &optional force)
"Update _NET_WM_NAME."
(with-current-buffer (exwm--id->buffer id)
(when (or force (not exwm-title))
(let ((reply (xcb:+request-unchecked+reply exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:ewmh:get-_NET_WM_NAME :window id))))
(when reply ;nil when destroyed
(setq exwm-title (slot-value reply 'value))
(when exwm-title
(setq exwm--title-is-utf8 t)
(run-hooks 'exwm-update-title-hook)))))))
(defun exwm--update-ctext-title (id &optional force)
"Update WM_NAME."
(with-current-buffer (exwm--id->buffer id)
(unless (or exwm--title-is-utf8
(and exwm-title (not force)))
(let ((reply (xcb:+request-unchecked+reply exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:icccm:get-WM_NAME :window id))))
(when reply ;nil when destroyed
(setq exwm-title (slot-value reply 'value))
(when exwm-title
(run-hooks 'exwm-update-title-hook)))))))
(defun exwm--update-title (id)
"Update _NET_WM_NAME or WM_NAME."
(exwm--update-utf8-title id)
(exwm--update-ctext-title id))
(defun exwm--update-transient-for (id &optional force)
(with-current-buffer (exwm--id->buffer id)
(unless (and exwm-transient-for (not force))
(let ((reply (xcb:+request-unchecked+reply exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:icccm:get-WM_TRANSIENT_FOR
:window id))))
(when reply ;nil when destroyed
(setq exwm-transient-for (slot-value reply 'value)))))))
(defun exwm--update-normal-hints (id &optional force)
(with-current-buffer (exwm--id->buffer id)
(unless (and (not force)
(or exwm--normal-hints-x exwm--normal-hints-y
exwm--normal-hints-width exwm--normal-hints-height
exwm--normal-hints-min-width exwm--normal-hints-min-height
exwm--normal-hints-max-width exwm--normal-hints-max-height
;; FIXME: other fields
(let ((reply (xcb:+request-unchecked+reply exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:icccm:get-WM_NORMAL_HINTS
:window id))))
(when (and reply (slot-value reply 'flags)) ;nil when destroyed
(with-slots (flags x y width height min-width min-height max-width
max-height base-width base-height ;; win-gravity
(unless (= 0 (logand flags xcb:icccm:WM_SIZE_HINTS:USPosition))
(setq exwm--normal-hints-x x exwm--normal-hints-y y))
(unless (= 0 (logand flags xcb:icccm:WM_SIZE_HINTS:USSize))
(setq exwm--normal-hints-width width
exwm--normal-hints-height height))
(unless (= 0 (logand flags xcb:icccm:WM_SIZE_HINTS:PMinSize))
(setq exwm--normal-hints-min-width min-width
exwm--normal-hints-min-height min-height))
(unless (= 0 (logand flags xcb:icccm:WM_SIZE_HINTS:PMaxSize))
(setq exwm--normal-hints-max-width max-width
exwm--normal-hints-max-height max-height))
(unless (or exwm--normal-hints-min-width
(= 0 (logand flags xcb:icccm:WM_SIZE_HINTS:PBaseSize)))
(setq exwm--normal-hints-min-width base-width
exwm--normal-hints-min-height base-height))
;; (unless (= 0 (logand flags xcb:icccm:WM_SIZE_HINTS:PWinGravity))
;; (setq exwm--normal-hints-win-gravity win-gravity))
(setq exwm--fixed-size
(and exwm--normal-hints-min-width
(/= 0 exwm--normal-hints-min-width)
(/= 0 exwm--normal-hints-min-height)
(= exwm--normal-hints-min-width
(= exwm--normal-hints-min-height
(defun exwm--update-hints (id &optional force)
"Update WM_HINTS."
(with-current-buffer (exwm--id->buffer id)
(unless (and (not force) exwm--hints-input exwm--hints-urgency)
(let ((reply (xcb:+request-unchecked+reply exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:icccm:get-WM_HINTS :window id))))
(when (and reply (slot-value reply 'flags)) ;nil when destroyed
(with-slots (flags input) reply
(when flags
(unless (= 0 (logand flags xcb:icccm:WM_HINTS:InputHint))
(setq exwm--hints-input (when input (= 1 input))))
(unless (= 0 (logand flags xcb:icccm:WM_HINTS:UrgencyHint))
(setq exwm--hints-urgency t))))
(when (and exwm--hints-urgency
(not (eq exwm--frame exwm-workspace--current)))
(unless (frame-parameter exwm--frame 'exwm--urgency)
(set-frame-parameter exwm--frame 'exwm--urgency t)
(defun exwm--update-protocols (id &optional force)
(with-current-buffer (exwm--id->buffer id)
(unless (and exwm--protocols (not force))
(let ((reply (xcb:+request-unchecked+reply exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:icccm:get-WM_PROTOCOLS
:window id))))
(when reply ;nil when destroyed
(setq exwm--protocols (append (slot-value reply 'value) nil)))))))
(defun exwm--update-state (id &optional force)
"Update WM_STATE."
(with-current-buffer (exwm--id->buffer id)
(unless (and exwm-state (not force))
(let ((reply (xcb:+request-unchecked+reply exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:icccm:get-WM_STATE :window id))))
(when reply ;nil when destroyed
(setq exwm-state (or (slot-value reply 'state)
;; Default to normal state
(defun exwm--on-PropertyNotify (data synthetic)
"Handle PropertyNotify event."
(let ((obj (make-instance 'xcb:PropertyNotify))
atom window state
(xcb:unmarshal obj data)
(setq id (slot-value obj 'window)
atom (slot-value obj 'atom)
exwm-input--timestamp (slot-value obj 'time)
state (slot-value obj 'state))
(setq buffer (exwm--id->buffer id))
(when (buffer-live-p buffer)
(with-current-buffer buffer
(cond ((= atom xcb:Atom:_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE)
(exwm--update-window-type id t))
((= atom xcb:Atom:WM_CLASS)
(exwm--update-class id t))
((= atom xcb:Atom:_NET_WM_NAME)
(exwm--update-utf8-title id t))
((= atom xcb:Atom:WM_NAME)
(exwm--update-ctext-title id t))
((= atom xcb:Atom:WM_TRANSIENT_FOR)
(exwm--update-transient-for id t))
((= atom xcb:Atom:WM_NORMAL_HINTS)
(exwm--update-normal-hints id t))
((= atom xcb:Atom:WM_HINTS)
(exwm--update-hints id t))
((= atom xcb:Atom:WM_PROTOCOLS)
(exwm--update-protocols id t))
((= atom xcb:Atom:WM_STATE)
(exwm--update-state id t))
((= atom xcb:Atom:_NET_WM_USER_TIME)) ;ignored
(t (exwm--log "Unhandled PropertyNotify: %s(%d)"
(x-get-atom-name atom exwm-workspace--current)
(defun exwm--on-ClientMessage (raw-data synthetic)
"Handle ClientMessage event."
(let ((obj (make-instance 'xcb:ClientMessage))
type id data)
(xcb:unmarshal obj raw-data)
(setq type (slot-value obj 'type)
id (slot-value obj 'window)
data (slot-value (slot-value obj 'data) 'data32))
((= type xcb:Atom:_NET_WM_MOVERESIZE)
(let ((direction (elt data 2))
(buffer (exwm--id->buffer id)))
(unless (and buffer (with-current-buffer buffer
(not exwm--floating-frame)))
(cond ((= direction
((= direction
((= direction xcb:ewmh:_NET_WM_MOVERESIZE_CANCEL)
(t (exwm-floating--start-moveresize id direction))))))
(let ((buffer (exwm--id->buffer id))
left right top bottom)
(if (or (not buffer)
(with-current-buffer buffer
(not exwm--floating-frame)))
(setq left 0 right 0 top 0 bottom 0)
(setq left exwm-floating-border-width
right exwm-floating-border-width
top (+ exwm-floating-border-width (window-header-line-height))
bottom (+ exwm-floating-border-width
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:ewmh:set-_NET_FRAME_EXTENTS
:window id :left left :right right
:top top :bottom bottom)))
(xcb:flush exwm--connection))
((= type xcb:Atom:_NET_WM_STATE)
(let ((action (elt data 0))
(props (list (elt data 1) (elt data 2)))
(buffer (exwm--id->buffer id))
(when buffer ;ensure it's managed
(with-current-buffer buffer
(when (memq xcb:Atom:_NET_WM_STATE_MODAL props)
(cond ((= action xcb:ewmh:_NET_WM_STATE_ADD)
(unless exwm--floating-frame
(exwm-floating--set-floating id))
(push xcb:Atom:_NET_WM_STATE_MODAL props-new))
((= action xcb:ewmh:_NET_WM_STATE_REMOVE)
(when exwm--floating-frame
(exwm-floating--unset-floating id)))
((= action xcb:ewmh:_NET_WM_STATE_TOGGLE)
(if exwm--floating-frame
(exwm-floating--unset-floating id)
(exwm-floating--set-floating id)
(push xcb:Atom:_NET_WM_STATE_MODAL props-new)))))
(when (or (memq xcb:Atom:_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN props)
(memq xcb:Atom:_NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE props))
(cond ((= action xcb:ewmh:_NET_WM_STATE_ADD)
(unless exwm--fullscreen (exwm-layout-set-fullscreen id))
(push xcb:Atom:_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN props-new))
((= action xcb:ewmh:_NET_WM_STATE_REMOVE)
(when exwm--fullscreen (exwm-layout-unset-fullscreen id)))
((= action xcb:ewmh:_NET_WM_STATE_TOGGLE)
(if exwm--fullscreen
(exwm-layout-unset-fullscreen id)
(exwm-layout-set-fullscreen id)
(push xcb:Atom:_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN props-new)))))
;; FIXME: check (may require other properties set)
(when (memq xcb:Atom:_NET_WM_STATE_DEMANDS_ATTENTION props)
(when (= action xcb:ewmh:_NET_WM_STATE_ADD)
(let ((idx (cl-position exwm--frame exwm-workspace--list)))
(unless (= idx exwm-workspace-current-index)
(set-frame-parameter exwm--frame 'exwm--urgency t)
;; xcb:ewmh:_NET_WM_STATE_REMOVE?
;; xcb:ewmh:_NET_WM_STATE_TOGGLE?
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:ewmh:set-_NET_WM_STATE
:window id :data (vconcat props-new)))
(xcb:flush exwm--connection)))))
((= type xcb:Atom:WM_PROTOCOLS)
(let ((type (elt data 0)))
(cond ((= type xcb:Atom:_NET_WM_PING)
(setq exwm--ping-lock nil))
(t (exwm--log "Unhandled WM_PROTOCOLS of type: %d" type)))))
(t (exwm--log "Unhandled client message: %s" obj)))))
(defun exwm--init-icccm-ewmh ()
"Initialize ICCCM/EWMH support."
;; Handle PropertyNotify event
(xcb:+event exwm--connection 'xcb:PropertyNotify 'exwm--on-PropertyNotify)
;; Handle relevant client messages
;; FIXME: WM_STATE client messages (normal => iconic)
(xcb:+event exwm--connection 'xcb:ClientMessage 'exwm--on-ClientMessage)
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:ewmh:set-_NET_SUPPORTED
:window exwm--root
:data (vector xcb:Atom:_NET_SUPPORTED
;; FIXME: more?
;; Create a child window for setting _NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK
(let ((new-id (xcb:generate-id exwm--connection)))
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:CreateWindow
:depth 0 :wid new-id :parent exwm--root
:x -1 :y -1 :width 1 :height 1
:border-width 0 :class xcb:WindowClass:CopyFromParent
:visual 0 :value-mask xcb:CW:OverrideRedirect
:override-redirect 1))
(dolist (i (list exwm--root new-id))
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:ewmh:set-_NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK
:window i :data new-id))
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:ewmh:set-_NET_WM_NAME
:window i :data "EXWM"))))
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:ewmh:set-_NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS
:window exwm--root :data exwm-workspace-number))
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:ewmh:set-_NET_DESKTOP_VIEWPORT
:window exwm--root
:data (make-vector (* 2 exwm-workspace-number) 0)))
;; Set _NET_WORKAREA (with minibuffer and bottom mode-line excluded)
(let* ((workareas
(vconcat (window-absolute-pixel-edges (get-largest-window t))))
(workareas (mapconcat (lambda (i) workareas)
(make-list exwm-workspace-number 0) [])))
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:ewmh:set-_NET_WORKAREA
:window exwm--root :data workareas)))
(xcb:+request exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:ewmh:set-_NET_VIRTUAL_ROOTS
:window exwm--root
:data (vconcat (mapcar
(lambda (i)
(frame-parameter i 'exwm-window-id))
(xcb:flush exwm--connection))
(defvar exwm-init-hook nil
"Normal hook run when EXWM has just finished initialization.")
(defun exwm-init (&optional frame)
"Initialize EXWM."
(if (not (eq 'x (framep (or frame (selected-frame)))))
(exwm--log "Not running under X environment")
(unless exwm--connection
(setq exwm--connection (xcb:connect-to-socket))
(set-process-query-on-exit-flag (slot-value exwm--connection 'process)
nil) ;prevent query message on exit
(setq exwm--root
(slot-value (car (slot-value
(xcb:get-setup exwm--connection) 'roots))
(if (xcb:+request-checked+request-check exwm--connection
(make-instance 'xcb:ChangeWindowAttributes
:window exwm--root :value-mask xcb:CW:EventMask
:event-mask xcb:EventMask:SubstructureRedirect))
;; Other window manager is running
(progn (xcb:disconnect exwm--connection)
(setq exwm--connection nil)
(exwm-enable 'undo)
(exwm--log "Other window manager detected"))
;; Initialize ICCCM/EWMH support
;; (xcb:icccm:init exwm--connection)
(xcb:ewmh:init exwm--connection)
;; Manage exiting windows
(run-hooks 'exwm-init-hook)))))
(defvar exwm-mode-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map "\C-ck" 'exwm-input-release-keyboard)
(define-key map "\C-cf" 'exwm-layout-set-fullscreen)
(define-key map "\C-cm" 'exwm-floating-toggle-floating)
(define-key map "\C-cq" 'exwm-input-send-next-key)
(define-key map "\C-cv" 'exwm-workspace-move-window)
"Keymap for `exwm-mode'.")
(define-derived-mode exwm-mode nil "EXWM"
"Major mode for managing X windows.
;; Internal variables
(make-local-variable 'exwm--id) ;window id
(set (make-local-variable 'exwm--frame) nil) ;workspace frame
(set (make-local-variable 'exwm--floating-frame) nil) ;floating frame
(set (make-local-variable 'exwm--floating-edges) nil) ;four edges
(set (make-local-variable 'exwm--fullscreen) nil) ;used in fullscreen
(set (make-local-variable 'exwm--floating-frame-geometry) nil) ;in fullscreen
(set (make-local-variable 'exwm--fixed-size) nil) ;fixed size
(set (make-local-variable 'exwm--on-KeyPress) ;KeyPress event handler
;; Properties
(set (make-local-variable 'exwm-window-type) nil)
(set (make-local-variable 'exwm--geometry) nil)
(set (make-local-variable 'exwm-class-name) nil)
(set (make-local-variable 'exwm-instance-name) nil)
(set (make-local-variable 'exwm-title) nil)
(set (make-local-variable 'exwm--title-is-utf8) nil)
(set (make-local-variable 'exwm-transient-for) nil)
(set (make-local-variable 'exwm--normal-hints-x) nil)
(set (make-local-variable 'exwm--normal-hints-y) nil)
(set (make-local-variable 'exwm--normal-hints-width) nil)
(set (make-local-variable 'exwm--normal-hints-height) nil)
(set (make-local-variable 'exwm--normal-hints-min-width) nil)
(set (make-local-variable 'exwm--normal-hints-min-height) nil)
(set (make-local-variable 'exwm--normal-hints-max-width) nil)
(set (make-local-variable 'exwm--normal-hints-max-height) nil)
;; (set (make-local-variable 'exwm--normal-hints-win-gravity) nil)
(set (make-local-variable 'exwm--hints-input) nil) ;FIXME
(set (make-local-variable 'exwm--hints-urgency) nil)
(set (make-local-variable 'exwm--protocols) nil)
(set (make-local-variable 'exwm-state) nil)
;; Change major-mode is not allowed
(set (make-local-variable 'change-major-mode-hook) 'kill-buffer)
(setq mode-name
'(:eval (propertize "EXWM" 'face
(when (cl-some (lambda (i)
(frame-parameter i
;; Kill buffer -> close window
(set (make-local-variable 'kill-buffer-query-functions)
(list (lambda ()
(exwm-manage--close-window exwm--id (current-buffer))
(setq buffer-read-only t
left-margin-width nil
right-margin-width nil
left-fringe-width 0
right-fringe-width 0
vertical-scroll-bar nil))
(defun exwm-enable (&optional undo)
"Enable/Disable EXWM"
(setq frame-resize-pixelwise t) ;mandatory; before init
(if (eq undo 'undo)
(progn (remove-hook 'window-setup-hook 'exwm-init)
(remove-hook 'after-make-frame-functions 'exwm-init))
(add-hook 'window-setup-hook 'exwm-init t) ;for Emacs
(add-hook 'after-make-frame-functions 'exwm-init t))) ;for Emacs Client
(provide 'exwm)
;;; exwm.el ends here