
Version 1.41 *(2016-11-21)*

 * Cache thumbnails for better performance
 * Some crashfixes

Version 1.40 *(2016-11-20)*

 * Minor bugfixes

Version 1.39 *(2016-11-20)*

 * Fixing some licenses

Version 1.38 *(2016-11-19)*

 * Added a confirmation dialog before deleting anything
 * Allow deleting only photos and videos with the app
 * Added more responsive directory/photo column counts
 * Some performance improvements and bugfixes

Version 1.37 *(2016-11-17)*

 * Fix copying folders on SD card

Version 1.36 *(2016-11-17)*

 * Do not be so strict at limiting characters at file names
 * Fix setting folders as un/hidden
 * A lot more smaller fixes

Version 1.35 *(2016-11-15)*

 * Some stability and performance fixes

Version 1.34 *(2016-11-14)*

 * Improve the wallpaper quality in some cases

Version 1.33 *(2016-11-13)*

 * Misc small improvements

Version 1.32 *(2016-11-13)*

 * Added Chinese translation
 * Couple small bugfixes

Version 1.31 *(2016-11-12)*

 * Add a Move function
 * Many small improvements, mostly related to Copy/Move

Version 1.30 *(2016-11-10)*

 * Some improvements to the Copy function
 * Allow displaying filenames at the thumbnail view
 * Changing the bottom shadow to gradient

Version 1.29 *(2016-11-09)*

 * Adding an initial implementation of the Copy feature
 * Sort items by date_modified instead of date_taken
 * Make "Save as" the only saving option in the editor
 * Autoplay videos only if selected so

Version 1.28 *(2016-11-07)*

 * Couple file operation fixes on devices without SD card
 * Set the default folder sorting by Date, descending
 * Couple Spanish string corrections

Version 1.27 *(2016-11-06)*

 * Add a "Save as" option to the editor
 * Fix file operations on SD card
 * Do not delete folders recursively, just the direct children
 * Many other small improvements

Version 1.26 *(2016-11-03)*

 * Add a menu item for Properties

Version 1.25 *(2016-10-25)*

 * Change the light themes window backgrounds to white
 * Change the default theme to dark
 * Add an option for autoplaying videos
 * Misc performance improvements

Version 1.24 *(2016-10-09)*

 * Ignore folders containing a .nomedia file
 * Allow hiding folders
 * Misc bugfixes

Version 1.23 *(2016-10-08)*

 * Add a Crop / rotate function to images
 * Allow opening images and videos with third party apps
 * Allow setting images as Wallpaper directly from the app
 * Improve the support of Right to Left layouts

Version 1.22 *(2016-10-03)*

 * Fix some glitches at video playback at orientation change
 * Added portuguese translation

Version 1.21 *(2016-09-25)*

 * Prevent screen turning off at playing video
 * Fix marking selected items on Android 5
 * Fill the inside of Play button with transparent grey for bettervisibility

Version 1.20 *(2016-09-07)*

 * Added German translation

Version 1.19 *(2016-08-26)*

 * Add an Invite friends button
 * Allow different sorting for images and albums
 * Allow using the app at attachment picker at email clients
 * Rescan all files in current folder at Pull to refresh
 * Update app icon and launcher name

Version 1.18 *(2016-07-26)*

 * Make the dark theme really dark

Version 1.17 *(2016-07-24)*

 * Allow sorting the items
 * Make the fullscreen photos properly zoomable

Version 1.16 *(2016-07-20)*

 * Added a dark theme
 * Allow sharing multiple items at once
 * Implement Pull to refresh
 * Added Swedish translation

Version 1.15 *(2016-07-15)*

 * Use the proper action at clicking the Camera
 * Remove a bug with duplicate listing of the app at opening images
 * Add Italian and Japanese translations
 * Properly highlight the selected items at delete

Version 1.14 *(2016-07-13)*

 * Correct some interactions with third party apps

Version 1.13 *(2016-07-09)*

 * Add a Camera button to the main screen
 * Offer the app at opening photos from some more third party apps

Version 1.12 *(2016-07-07)*

 * Improve GIF support

Version 1.11 *(2016-07-05)*

 * Use the new Google Plus logo

Version 1.9 *(2016-07-01)*

 * Adjust everything properly if used on a tablet
 * Show a Rate us button to returning users

Version 1.8 *(2016-06-27)*

 * Allow setting Wallpaper with the app
 * Add Google Plus link in About section

Version 1.7 *(2016-06-23)*

 * Increased the video seekbar height for easier interaction
 * Made loading of images in detail screen faster
 * Added file/directory path at the Edit dialog

Version 1.6 *(2016-06-19)*

 * Add a Facebook page link to the About section

Version 1.5 *(2016-06-18)*

 * Sort the items only by timestamp, not by type

Version 1.4 *(2016-06-15)*

 * Allow using the app as an image/video chooser

Version 1.3 *(2016-06-14)*

 * Offer opening any device photos and videos with the app

Version 1.2 *(2016-06-13)*

 * Properly handle Marshmallow+ Storage permission

Version 1.1 *(2016-06-09)*

 * New: added support for videos

Version 1.0 *(2016-06-05)*

 * Initial release