Simple Gallery 相册 编辑 打开相机 打开方式 没有可用的应用 (隐藏) 锁定文件夹 解除锁定文件夹 显示所有文件夹的内容 所有文件夹 切换到文件夹视图 其他文件夹 Show on map Unknown location No application with maps has been found No Camera app has been found Increase column count Reduce column count Temporarily show hidden 隐藏文件夹 显示文件夹 This function hides the folder by adding a \'.nomedia\' file into it, it will hide all subfolders too. You can see them by toggling the \'Show hidden folders\' option in Settings. Continue? Exclude Excluded folders Manage excluded folders This will exclude the selection together with its subfolders from Simple Gallery only. You can manage excluded folders in Settings. Exclude a parent instead? Excluding folders will make them together with their subfolders hidden just in Simple Gallery, they will still be visible in other applications.\\n\\nIf you want to hide them from other apps too, use the Hide function. Remove all Remove all folders from the list of excluded? This will not delete the folders. Included folders Manage included folders Add folder If you have some folders which contain media, but were not recognized by the app, you can add them manually here. 缩放 缩放选定区域并保存 宽度 高度 保持纵横比 请输入合法的分辨率 编辑器 保存 旋转 路径 错误图片路径 图像编辑失败 编辑方式: 没有可用的图片编辑器 未知文件路径 不能覆盖源文件 Rotate left Rotate right Rotate by 180º Flip Flip horizontally Flip vertically Out of memory error Simple Wallpaper 设为壁纸 壁纸设置失败 设为壁纸... 没有可用的软件 壁纸应用中… 壁纸应用成功 Portrait aspect ratio Landscape aspect ratio 显示所有 自动播放 显示文件名 显示多媒体文件 仅图像 仅视频 图像和视频 循环播放视频 Animate gifs at thumbnails Max brightness when viewing media Crop thumbnails into squares Rotate fullscreen media by System setting Device rotation Aspect ratio 一个没有广告,用来观看照片及视频的相册。 一个观看照片和视频的简单实用工具。项目可以根据日期、大小、名称来递增或递减排序,照片可以缩放。媒体文件根据屏幕的大小排列在多个方格中,您可以使用缩放手势来调整每一列的方格数量。媒体文件可以被重命名、分享、删除、复制以及移动。照片亦可被剪切、旋转或是直接在应用中设为壁纸。 相册亦提供能让第三方应用预览图片/视频、向电子邮件客户端添加附件等的功能。非常适合日常使用。 应用不包含广告与不必要的权限。它是完全开放源代码的,并内置自定义颜色主题。 这个应用只是一系列应用中的一小部份。您可以在 找到其余的应用。