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synced 2025-03-01 00:14:34 +01:00
Merge pull request #2650 from weblate/weblate-simple-mobile-tools-simple-gallery
Translations update from Hosted Weblate
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 383 additions and 7 deletions
@ -370,7 +370,7 @@
<string name="faq_15_text">La memòria cau de l\'aplicació pot ocupar fins a 250 MB, i garanteix una càrrega més ràpida de les imatges. Si l\'aplicació ocupa més espai, probablement serà perquè hi ha elements a la paperera de reciclatge. Aquests fitxers compten en la mida de l\'aplicació. Podeu netejar la paperera de reciclatge obrint-la i suprimint tots els fitxers, o des de la configuració de l\'aplicació. Els fitxers de la paperera s\'eliminen automàticament després de 30 dies.</string>
<string name="faq_16_title">Què ha passat amb l\'ocultació de fitxers i carpetes i per què ja no puc veure els elements ocults\?</string>
<string name="faq_16_text">A partir d\'Android 11, ja no podeu amagar ni mostrar carpetes ni fitxers, tampoc no podeu veure els ocults a les aplicacions de galeria per restriccions del sistema. Haureu d\'utilitzar algun gestor de fitxers per a això.</string>
<string name="faq_16_text_extra">Or you can also grant this gallery access to All Files through your device settings, that will allow us showing hidden items and make file operations more reliable in general.</string>
<string name="faq_16_text_extra">O també podeu concedir a aquesta galeria accés a tots els fitxers mitjançant la configuració del vostre dispositiu, que permetrà mostrar els elements ocults i fer que les operacions dels fitxers siguin més fiables en general.</string>
<string name="faq_17_title">Per què ja no puc incloure les carpetes que manquen\?</string>
<string name="faq_17_text">Això ha deixat de funcionar a causa dels canvis del sistema que també han vingut amb Android 11, l\'aplicació ja no pot navegar per carpetes reals, es basa en l\'anomenat MediaStore per obtenir dades.</string>
<string name="faq_18_title">Per què veig anuncis comercials durant la reproducció de vídeo\?</string>
@ -370,7 +370,7 @@
<string name="faq_15_text">La caché de la aplicación puede ocupar hasta 250 MB, lo que garantiza una carga más rápida de las imágenes. Si la aplicación está ocupando aún más espacio, lo más probable es que tenga elementos en la papelera de reciclaje. Esos archivos cuentan para el tamaño de la aplicación. Puedes borrar la papelera de reciclaje abriéndola y borrando todos los archivos, o desde los ajustes de la aplicación. Todos los archivos de la papelera se eliminan automáticamente después de 30 días.</string>
<string name="faq_16_title">¿Qué ha pasado con la ocultación de archivos y carpetas y por qué ya no puedo ver los elementos ocultos\?</string>
<string name="faq_16_text">A partir de Android 11 ya no puede ocultar o mostrar archivos o carpetas, tampoco puede ver las ocultas en aplicaciones de galería debido a restricciones del sistema. Tendrá que usar algún gestor de archivos para ello.</string>
<string name="faq_16_text_extra">Or you can also grant this gallery access to All Files through your device settings, that will allow us showing hidden items and make file operations more reliable in general.</string>
<string name="faq_16_text_extra">O también puede conceder a esta galería el acceso a todos los archivos a través de la configuración de su dispositivo, lo que nos permitirá mostrar los elementos ocultos y hacer más fiables las operaciones con los archivos en general.</string>
<string name="faq_17_title">¿Por qué ya no puedo incluir las carpetas que faltan\?</string>
<string name="faq_17_text">Eso dejó de funcionar debido a los cambios en el sistema que vinieron con Android 11 también, la aplicación no puede navegar por las carpetas reales más, se basa en el llamado MediaStore en la obtención de datos.</string>
<string name="faq_18_title">¿Por qué veo anuncios durante la reproducción de vídeo\?</string>
@ -366,7 +366,7 @@
<string name="faq_15_text">De cache voor de app kan oplopen tot 250MB; dit garandeert snellere laadtijden van afbeeldingen. Indien de app nog meer ruimte inneemt, komt dat hoogstwaarschijnlijk door de items in de prullenbak. Ook deze bestanden worden meegerekend met de ingenomen ruimte. Verwijder deze items zelf vanuit de prullenbak of vanuit de instellingen van de app. Ieder item in de prullenbak zal na 30 dagen automatisch verwijderd worden.</string>
<string name="faq_16_title">Wat is er gebeurd met de functie om bestanden en mappen te verbergen\? Waarom kan ik geen verborgen items meer bekijken\?</string>
<string name="faq_16_text">Vanaf Android 11 kunnen bestanden en mappen niet meer verborgen (of weer getoond) worden via deze app. Wegens nieuwe restricties van Android kunnen verborgen items ook niet meer in galerij-apps worden weergegeven. Alleen bestandsbeheer-apps kunnen deze functionaliteit nog bieden.</string>
<string name="faq_16_text_extra">Or you can also grant this gallery access to All Files through your device settings, that will allow us showing hidden items and make file operations more reliable in general.</string>
<string name="faq_16_text_extra">Verleen de app via de systeeminstellingen toegang tot Alle bestanden om ook verborgen items te kunnen zien in de galerij. Ook bestandsbewerkingen vanuit deze app zullen dan betrouwbaarder zijn.</string>
<string name="faq_17_title">Waarom kan ik ontbrekende mappen niet meer handmatig toevoegen\?</string>
<string name="faq_17_text">Dit werkt ook niet meer sinds de aanpassingen in Android 11: deze app mag niet meer door de mappen op het apparaat navigeren, maar is voortaan afhankelijk van de MediaStore van Android bij het ophalen van bestandsgegevens.</string>
<string name="faq_18_title">Waarom zie ik advertenties bij het afspelen van video\'s\?</string>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="app_name">سادیاں تصویراں</string>
<string name="app_launcher_name">تصویراں</string>
<string name="edit">سودھو</string>
<string name="open_camera">کیمرہ کھُلھو</string>
<string name="hidden">(hidden)</string>
<string name="excluded">(excluded)</string>
<string name="pin_folder">فولڈر لگو</string>
<string name="unpin_folder">فولڈر اݨلگو</string>
<string name="pin_to_the_top">Pin to the top</string>
<string name="show_all">Show all folders content</string>
<string name="all_folders">سارے فولڈر</string>
<string name="folder_view">Switch to folder view</string>
<string name="other_folder">ہور فولڈر</string>
<string name="show_on_map">Show on map</string>
<string name="unknown_location">نامعلوم ستھتی</string>
<string name="volume">Volume</string>
<string name="brightness">چمک</string>
<string name="lock_orientation">Lock orientation</string>
<string name="unlock_orientation">Unlock orientation</string>
<string name="change_orientation">Change orientation</string>
<string name="force_portrait">Force portrait</string>
<string name="force_landscape">Force landscape</string>
<string name="use_default_orientation">Use default orientation</string>
<string name="fix_date_taken">Fix Date Taken value</string>
<string name="fixing">ٹھیک کیتا جا رہا اے۔ ۔ ۔</string>
<string name="dates_fixed_successfully">Dates fixed successfully</string>
<string name="no_date_takens_found">No Date Taken values have been found</string>
<string name="share_resized">Share a resized version</string>
<string name="upgraded_from_free">Hey,
\nseems like you upgraded from the old free app. You can now uninstall the old version, which has an \'Upgrade to Pro\' button at the top of the app settings.
\nYou will only have the Recycle bin items deleted, favorite items unmarked and you will also have to reset your app settings.
<string name="switch_to_file_search">Switch to file search across all visible folders</string>
<string name="set_as_default_folder">Set as default folder</string>
<string name="unset_as_default_folder">Unset as default folder</string>
<string name="reorder_by_dragging">Reorder folders by dragging</string>
<string name="reorder_by_dragging_pro">Reorder folders by dragging (Pro)</string>
<string name="restore_to_path">Restoring to \'%s\'</string>
<!-- Filter -->
<string name="filter_media">Filter media</string>
<string name="images">تصویراں</string>
<string name="videos">ویڈیو</string>
<string name="gifs">جیف</string>
<string name="raw_images">RAW images</string>
<string name="svgs">ایسویگی</string>
<string name="portraits">Portraits</string>
<string name="no_media_with_filters">No media files have been found with the selected filters.</string>
<string name="change_filters_underlined"><u>Change filters</u></string>
<!-- Hide / Exclude -->
<string name="hide_folder_description">This function hides the folder by adding a \'.nomedia\' file into it, it will hide all subfolders too. You can see them by toggling the \'Show hidden items\' option in Settings. Continue\?</string>
<string name="exclude">باہر کڈھو</string>
<string name="excluded_folders">Excluded folders</string>
<string name="manage_excluded_folders">Manage excluded folders</string>
<string name="exclude_folder_description">This will exclude the selection together with its subfolders from Simple Gallery only. You can manage excluded folders in Settings.</string>
<string name="exclude_folder_parent">Exclude a parent instead\?</string>
<string name="excluded_activity_placeholder">Excluding folders will make them together with their subfolders hidden just in Simple Gallery, they will still be visible in other applications.
\nIf you want to hide them from other apps too, use the Hide function.</string>
<string name="remove_all">Remove all</string>
<string name="remove_all_description">Remove all folders from the list of excluded\? This will not delete the folders.</string>
<string name="hidden_folders">Hidden folders</string>
<string name="manage_hidden_folders">Manage hidden folders</string>
<string name="hidden_folders_placeholder">Seems like you don\'t have any folders hidden with a \".nomedia\" file.</string>
<string name="temporarily_show_excluded">Temporarily show excluded</string>
<string name="stop_showing_excluded">Stop showing excluded</string>
<!-- Include folders -->
<string name="include_folders">Included folders</string>
<string name="manage_included_folders">Manage included folders</string>
<string name="add_folder">Add folder</string>
<string name="included_activity_placeholder">If you have some folders which contain media, but were not recognized by the app, you can add them manually here.
\nAdding some items here will not exclude any other folder.</string>
<string name="no_media_add_included">No media files have been found. You can solve it by adding the folders containing media files manually.</string>
<!-- Resizing -->
<string name="resize_and_save">Resize selection and save</string>
<string name="width">چوڑائی</string>
<string name="height">اُچائی</string>
<string name="keep_aspect_ratio">Keep aspect ratio</string>
<string name="invalid_values">Please enter a valid resolution</string>
<!-- Editor -->
<string name="editor">ایڈیٹر</string>
<string name="rotate">گھُنماؤ</string>
<string name="invalid_image_path">Invalid image path</string>
<string name="invalid_video_path">Invalid video path</string>
<string name="image_editing_failed">Image editing failed</string>
<string name="video_editing_failed">Video editing failed</string>
<string name="image_editing_cancelled">Image editing cancelled</string>
<string name="video_editing_cancelled">Video editing cancelled</string>
<string name="file_edited_successfully">File edited successfully</string>
<string name="image_edited_successfully">Image edited successfully</string>
<string name="video_edited_successfully">Video edited successfully</string>
<string name="edit_image_with">Edit image with:</string>
<string name="edit_video_with">Edit video with:</string>
<string name="no_image_editor_found">No image editor found</string>
<string name="no_video_editor_found">No video editor found</string>
<string name="unknown_file_location">Unknown file location</string>
<string name="error_saving_file">Could not overwrite the source file</string>
<string name="rotate_left">Rotate left</string>
<string name="rotate_right">Rotate right</string>
<string name="rotate_one_eighty">Rotate by 180º</string>
<string name="flip">Flip</string>
<string name="flip_horizontally">Flip horizontally</string>
<string name="flip_vertically">Flip vertically</string>
<string name="free_aspect_ratio">Free</string>
<string name="other_aspect_ratio">ہور</string>
<!-- Set wallpaper -->
<string name="simple_wallpaper">Simple Wallpaper</string>
<string name="set_as_wallpaper">Set as Wallpaper</string>
<string name="set_as_wallpaper_failed">Setting as Wallpaper failed</string>
<string name="set_as_wallpaper_with">Set as wallpaper with:</string>
<string name="setting_wallpaper">Setting wallpaper…</string>
<string name="wallpaper_set_successfully">Wallpaper set successfully</string>
<string name="portrait_aspect_ratio">Portrait aspect ratio</string>
<string name="landscape_aspect_ratio">Landscape aspect ratio</string>
<string name="home_screen">Home screen</string>
<string name="lock_screen">Lock screen</string>
<string name="home_and_lock_screen">Home and lock screen</string>
<string name="allow_changing_aspect_ratio">Allow changing the aspect ratio</string>
<!-- Slideshow -->
<string name="slideshow">Slideshow</string>
<string name="interval">Interval</string>
<string name="include_photos">Include photos</string>
<string name="include_videos">Include videos</string>
<string name="include_gifs">Include GIFs</string>
<string name="random_order">Random order</string>
<string name="move_backwards">Move backwards</string>
<string name="loop_slideshow">Loop slideshow</string>
<string name="animation">Animation</string>
<string name="no_animation">کوئی نہیں</string>
<string name="fade">Fade</string>
<string name="slide">سلائیڈ</string>
<string name="slideshow_ended">The slideshow ended</string>
<string name="no_media_for_slideshow">No media for the slideshow have been found</string>
<!-- View types -->
<string name="group_direct_subfolders">Group direct subfolders</string>
<!-- Grouping at media thumbnails -->
<string name="group_by">Group by</string>
<string name="do_not_group_files">Do not group files</string>
<string name="by_folder">فولڈر</string>
<string name="by_last_modified">Last modified</string>
<string name="by_last_modified_daily">Last modified (daily)</string>
<string name="by_last_modified_monthly">Last modified (monthly)</string>
<string name="by_date_taken">Date taken</string>
<string name="by_date_taken_daily">Date taken (daily)</string>
<string name="by_date_taken_monthly">Date taken (monthly)</string>
<string name="by_file_type">File type</string>
<string name="by_extension">ایکسٹینشن</string>
<string name="show_file_count_section_header">Show file count at section headers</string>
<string name="grouping_and_sorting">Please note that grouping and sorting are 2 independent fields</string>
<!-- Widgets -->
<string name="folder_on_widget">Folder shown on the widget:</string>
<string name="show_folder_name">Show folder name</string>
<!-- Settings -->
<string name="autoplay_videos">Play videos automatically</string>
<string name="remember_last_video_position">Remember last video playback position</string>
<string name="loop_videos">Loop videos</string>
<string name="animate_gifs">Animate GIFs at thumbnails</string>
<string name="max_brightness">Max brightness when viewing fullscreen media</string>
<string name="crop_thumbnails">Crop thumbnails into squares</string>
<string name="show_thumbnail_video_duration">Show video durations</string>
<string name="screen_rotation_by">Rotate fullscreen media by</string>
<string name="screen_rotation_system_setting">System setting</string>
<string name="screen_rotation_device_rotation">Device rotation</string>
<string name="screen_rotation_aspect_ratio">Aspect ratio</string>
<string name="black_background_at_fullscreen">Black background at fullscreen media</string>
<string name="scroll_thumbnails_horizontally">Scroll thumbnails horizontally</string>
<string name="hide_system_ui_at_fullscreen">Automatically hide system UI at fullscreen media</string>
<string name="delete_empty_folders">Delete empty folders after deleting their content</string>
<string name="allow_photo_gestures">Allow controlling photo brightness with vertical gestures</string>
<string name="allow_video_gestures">Allow controlling video volume and brightness with vertical gestures</string>
<string name="show_media_count">Show folder media count on the main view</string>
<string name="show_extended_details">Show extended details over fullscreen media</string>
<string name="manage_extended_details">Manage extended details</string>
<string name="one_finger_zoom">Allow one finger zoom at fullscreen media</string>
<string name="allow_instant_change">Allow instantly changing media by clicking on screen sides</string>
<string name="allow_deep_zooming_images">Allow deep zooming images</string>
<string name="hide_extended_details">Hide extended details when status bar is hidden</string>
<string name="show_at_bottom">Show some action buttons at the bottom of the screen</string>
<string name="show_recycle_bin">Show the Recycle Bin at the folders screen</string>
<string name="deep_zoomable_images">Deep zoomable images</string>
<string name="show_highest_quality">Show images in the highest possible quality</string>
<string name="show_recycle_bin_last">Show the Recycle Bin as the last item on the main screen</string>
<string name="allow_down_gesture">Allow closing the fullscreen view with a down gesture</string>
<string name="allow_one_to_one_zoom">Allow 1:1 zooming in with two double taps</string>
<string name="open_videos_on_separate_screen">Always open videos on a separate screen with new horizontal gestures</string>
<string name="show_notch">Show a notch if available</string>
<string name="allow_rotating_gestures">Allow rotating images with gestures</string>
<string name="file_loading_priority">File loading priority</string>
<string name="speed">رفتار</string>
<string name="compromise">سمجھوتا</string>
<string name="avoid_showing_invalid_files">Avoid showing invalid files</string>
<string name="show_image_file_types">Show image file types</string>
<string name="allow_zooming_videos">Allow zooming videos with double tapping them</string>
<string name="folder_thumbnail_style">Folder thumbnail style</string>
<string name="file_thumbnail_style">File thumbnail style</string>
<string name="mark_favorite_items">Mark favorite items</string>
<string name="thumbnail_spacing">Thumbnail spacing</string>
<string name="show_file_count_line">Show file count on a separate line</string>
<string name="show_file_count_brackets">Show file count in brackets</string>
<string name="show_file_count_none">Do not show file count</string>
<string name="limit_folder_title">Limit long folder titles to 1 line</string>
<string name="square">ورگ</string>
<string name="rounded_corners">Rounded corners</string>
<string name="export_favorite_paths">Export favorite file paths</string>
<string name="media_management_prompt">To make sure that all file operations work reliably, please make this app a Media management app in your device settings.</string>
<string name="password_protect_excluded">Password protect excluded folder visibility</string>
<string name="media_management_manual">Something went wrong, please go into your device Settings - Apps - Special app access - Media management apps and allow this app to manage media.</string>
<string name="media_management_note">If the redirection does not work, please go into your device Settings - Apps - Special app access - Media management apps and allow this app to manage media.</string>
<string name="media_management_alternative">If you do not want to do it, you can also go into your device Settings - Apps - Special app access - Media management apps and allow this app to manage media.</string>
<string name="alternative_media_access">Alternatively, you can allow accessing media files only. In that case you will not be able to work with hidden files though.</string>
<string name="media_only">Media only</string>
<string name="all_files">All files</string>
<!-- Setting sections -->
<string name="thumbnails">تھمنیل</string>
<string name="fullscreen_media">Fullscreen media</string>
<string name="extended_details">Extended details</string>
<string name="bottom_actions">Bottom actions</string>
<!-- Bottom actions -->
<string name="manage_bottom_actions">Manage visible bottom actions</string>
<string name="toggle_favorite">Toggle favorite</string>
<string name="toggle_file_visibility">Toggle file visibility</string>
<!-- New editor strings -->
<string name="pesdk_transform_button_freeCrop">چݨے</string>
<string name="pesdk_transform_button_resetCrop">ریسیٹ کرو</string>
<string name="pesdk_transform_button_squareCrop">ورگ</string>
<string name="pesdk_transform_title_name">پرورتن کرو</string>
<string name="pesdk_filter_title_name">فِلٹر</string>
<string name="pesdk_filter_asset_none">کوئی نہیں</string>
<string name="pesdk_adjustments_title_name">بدلو</string>
<string name="pesdk_adjustments_button_shadowTool">پرچھاویں</string>
<string name="pesdk_adjustments_button_exposureTool">Exposure</string>
<string name="pesdk_adjustments_button_highlightTool">جھلکیاں</string>
<string name="pesdk_adjustments_button_brightnessTool">چمک</string>
<string name="pesdk_adjustments_button_contrastTool">Contrast</string>
<string name="pesdk_adjustments_button_saturationTool">سنترپتہ</string>
<string name="pesdk_adjustments_button_clarityTool">سپشٹتا</string>
<string name="pesdk_adjustments_button_gammaTool">گاما</string>
<string name="pesdk_adjustments_button_blacksTool">کالؕے</string>
<string name="pesdk_adjustments_button_whitesTool">چٹے</string>
<string name="pesdk_adjustments_button_temperatureTool">تاپمان</string>
<string name="pesdk_adjustments_button_sharpnessTool">تکھاپن</string>
<string name="pesdk_adjustments_button_reset">ریسیٹ کرو</string>
<string name="pesdk_focus_title_name">فوکس</string>
<string name="pesdk_focus_title_disabled">کوئی نہیں</string>
<string name="pesdk_focus_button_radial">Radial</string>
<string name="pesdk_focus_button_linear">ریکھک</string>
<string name="pesdk_focus_button_mirrored">Mirrored</string>
<string name="pesdk_focus_button_gaussian">Gaussian</string>
<string name="pesdk_text_title_input">Add text</string>
<string name="pesdk_text_title_name">لکھت</string>
<string name="pesdk_text_title_options">Text Options</string>
<string name="pesdk_text_title_textColor">Text Color</string>
<string name="pesdk_text_title_font">فونٹ</string>
<string name="pesdk_text_button_add">پایو</string>
<string name="pesdk_text_button_edit">سودھو</string>
<string name="pesdk_text_button_straighten">سدھا کرو</string>
<string name="pesdk_text_button_font">فونٹ</string>
<string name="pesdk_text_button_color">رنگ</string>
<string name="pesdk_text_button_backgroundColor">BG Color</string>
<string name="pesdk_text_button_alignment">ایکسارتا</string>
<string name="pesdk_text_button_bringToFront">To Front</string>
<string name="pesdk_text_button_delete">مٹاؤ</string>
<string name="pesdk_text_text_editTextPlaceholder">Your text</string>
<string name="pesdk_brush_title_name">برش</string>
<string name="pesdk_brush_button_color">رنگ</string>
<string name="pesdk_brush_button_size">اکار</string>
<string name="pesdk_brush_button_hardness">کٹھورتا</string>
<string name="pesdk_brush_button_bringToFront">To Front</string>
<string name="pesdk_brush_button_delete">مٹاؤ</string>
<string name="pesdk_brush_title_brushColor">Brush Color</string>
<string name="pesdk_editor_title_name">ایڈیٹر</string>
<string name="pesdk_editor_title_closeEditorAlert">Close Editor\?</string>
<string name="pesdk_editor_text_closeEditorAlert">Do you really want to discard the changes\?</string>
<string name="pesdk_editor_button_closeEditorAlertConfirmation">ہاں</string>
<string name="pesdk_editor_button_closeEditorAlertCancelation">نہیں</string>
<string name="pesdk_editor_cancel">رد کرو</string>
<string name="pesdk_editor_accept">سویکار کرو</string>
<string name="pesdk_editor_save">سامبھو</string>
<string name="pesdk_editor_text_exportProgressUnknown">اوہ ایکسپورٹ کیتے جا رہے اے۔ ۔ ۔</string>
<string name="pesdk_editor_text_exportProgress" formatted="false">Exporting %s.</string>
<string name="pesdk_sticker_title_name">سٹِکر</string>
<string name="pesdk_sticker_title_color">Sticker Color</string>
<string name="pesdk_sticker_title_options">Sticker Options</string>
<string name="pesdk_sticker_button_add">پایو</string>
<string name="pesdk_sticker_button_color">رنگ</string>
<string name="pesdk_sticker_button_delete">مٹاؤ</string>
<string name="pesdk_sticker_button_bringToFront">To Front</string>
<string name="pesdk_sticker_button_straighten">سدھا کرو</string>
<string name="pesdk_sticker_button_replace">بدلو</string>
<string name="pesdk_sticker_button_opacity">دھُندلاپن</string>
<string name="pesdk_sticker_button_contrast">Contrast</string>
<string name="pesdk_sticker_button_saturation">سنترپتہ</string>
<string name="pesdk_sticker_button_brightness">چمک</string>
<string name="pesdk_sticker_category_name_custom">چڑھائے</string>
<string name="pesdk_overlay_title_name">کج</string>
<string name="pesdk_overlay_button_blendModeNormal">سدھارن</string>
<string name="pesdk_overlay_button_blendModeDarken">ہنیرا</string>
<string name="pesdk_overlay_button_blendModeScreen">سکرین</string>
<string name="pesdk_overlay_button_blendModeOverlay">کج</string>
<string name="pesdk_overlay_button_blendModeLighten">ہلکا کرو</string>
<string name="pesdk_overlay_button_blendModeMultiply">گُݨا کرو</string>
<string name="pesdk_overlay_button_blendModeColorBurn">Color Burn</string>
<string name="pesdk_overlay_button_blendModeSoftLight">Soft Light</string>
<string name="pesdk_overlay_button_blendModeHardLight">Hard Light</string>
<string name="pesdk_overlay_asset_none">کوئی نہیں</string>
<string name="pesdk_overlay_asset_golden">سُنہری</string>
<string name="pesdk_overlay_asset_lightleak1">Lightleak 1</string>
<string name="pesdk_overlay_asset_mosaic">موزیک</string>
<string name="pesdk_overlay_asset_paper">کاغذ</string>
<string name="pesdk_overlay_asset_rain">مینہہ</string>
<string name="pesdk_overlay_asset_vintage">پُراݨی</string>
<string name="pesdk_common_button_flipH">Flip H</string>
<string name="pesdk_common_button_flipV">Flip V</string>
<string name="pesdk_common_button_undo">موڑو</string>
<string name="pesdk_common_button_redo">دُبارہ کرو</string>
<string name="pesdk_common_title_colorPicker">Color Picker</string>
<string name="pesdk_common_title_transparentColor">پاردرشتہ</string>
<string name="pesdk_common_title_whiteColor">چٹا</string>
<string name="pesdk_common_title_grayColor">سلیٹی</string>
<string name="pesdk_common_title_blackColor">کالؕا</string>
<string name="pesdk_common_title_lightBlueColor">Light blue</string>
<string name="pesdk_common_title_blueColor">نیلا</string>
<string name="pesdk_common_title_purpleColor">جامنی</string>
<string name="pesdk_common_title_orchidColor">آرکڈ</string>
<string name="pesdk_common_title_pinkColor">غلابی</string>
<string name="pesdk_common_title_redColor">لال</string>
<string name="pesdk_common_title_orangeColor">سنترا</string>
<string name="pesdk_common_title_goldColor">سونا</string>
<string name="pesdk_common_title_yellowColor">پیلا</string>
<string name="pesdk_common_title_oliveColor">زیتون</string>
<string name="pesdk_common_title_greenColor">ہرا</string>
<string name="pesdk_common_title_aquamarinColor">Aquamarin</string>
<string name="pesdk_common_title_pipettableColor">Pipettable color</string>
<string name="vesdk_video_trim_title_name">Trim</string>
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">How can I make Simple Gallery the default device gallery\?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">First you have to find the currently default gallery in the Apps section of your device settings, look for a button that says something like \"Open by default\", click on it, then select \"Clear defaults\". The next time you will try opening an image or video you should see an app picker, where you can select Simple Gallery and make it the default app.</string>
<string name="faq_2_title">I locked the app with a password, but I forgot it. What can I do\?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text">You can solve it in 2 ways. You can either reinstall the app, or find the app in your device settings and select \"Clear data\". It will reset all your settings, it will not remove any media files.</string>
<string name="faq_3_title">How can I make an album always appear at the top\?</string>
<string name="faq_3_text">You can long press the desired album and select the Pin icon at the actions menu, that will pin it to the top. You can pin multiple folders too, pinned items will be sorted by the default sorting method.</string>
<string name="faq_4_title">How can I fast forward videos\?</string>
<string name="faq_4_text">You can do it by double tapping the side of the screen, or tapping the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. If you enable opening videos on a separate screen in the app settings, you can use horizontal gestures too.</string>
<string name="faq_5_title">What is the difference between hiding and excluding a folder\?</string>
<string name="faq_5_text">Exclude prevents displaying the folder only in Simple Gallery, while Hide works system-wise and it hides the folder from other galleries too. It works by creating an empty \".nomedia\" file in the given folder, which you can then remove with any file manager too. Note that some devices do not allow hiding folders like Camera, Screenshots and Downloads.</string>
<string name="faq_6_title">Why do folders with music cover art or stickers show up\?</string>
<string name="faq_6_text">It can happen that you will see some unusual albums show up. You can easily exclude them by long pressing them and selecting Exclude. In the next dialog you can then select the parent folder, chances are it will prevent the other related albums showing up too.</string>
<string name="faq_7_title">A folder with images isn\'t showing up, or it doesn\'t show all items. What can I do\?</string>
<string name="faq_7_text">That can have multiple reasons, but solving it is easy. Just go in Settings -> Manage Included Folders, select Plus and navigate to the required folder.</string>
<string name="faq_8_title">What if I want just a few particular folders visible\?</string>
<string name="faq_8_text">Adding a folder at the Included Folders doesn\'t automatically exclude anything. What you can do is go in Settings -> Manage Excluded Folders, exclude the root folder \"/\", then add the desired folders at Settings -> Manage Included Folders. That will make only the selected folders visible, as both excluding and including are recursive and if a folder is both excluded and included, it will show up.</string>
<string name="faq_10_title">Can I crop images with this app\?</string>
<string name="faq_10_text">Yes, you can crop images in the editor, by dragging the image corners. You can get to the editor either by long pressing an image thumbnail and selecting Edit, or selecting Edit from the fullscreen view.</string>
<string name="faq_11_title">Can I somehow group media file thumbnails\?</string>
<string name="faq_11_text">Sure, just use the \"Group by\" menu item while at the thumbnails view. You can group files by multiple criteria, including Date Taken. If you use the \"Show all folders content\" function you can group them by folders too.</string>
<string name="faq_12_title">Sorting by Date Taken doesn\'t seem to work properly, how can I fix it\?</string>
<string name="faq_12_text">It is most likely caused by the files being copied from somewhere. You can fix it by selecting the file thumbnails and selecting \"Fix Date Taken value\".</string>
<string name="faq_13_title">I see some color banding on the images. How can I improve the quality\?</string>
<string name="faq_13_text">The current solution for displaying images works fine in the vast majority of cases, but if you want even better image quality, you can enable the \"Show images in the highest possible quality\" at the app settings, in the \"Deep zoomable images\" section.</string>
<string name="faq_14_title">I have hidden a file/folder. How can I unhide it\?</string>
<string name="faq_14_text">You can either press the \"Temporarily show hidden items\" menu item at the main screen, or toggle \"Show hidden items\" in the app settings to see the hidden item. If you want to unhide it, just long press it and select \"Unhide\". Folders are hidden by adding a hidden \".nomedia\" file into them, you can delete the file with any file manager too. Note that hiding works recursively though, so if you hide a folder, all subfolders will become hidden too. So for unhiding the subfolders you have to unhide the parent folder.</string>
<string name="faq_15_title">Why does the app take up so much space\?</string>
<string name="faq_15_text">App cache can take up to 250MB, it ensures quicker image loading. If the app is taking up even more space, it is most likely caused by you having items in the Recycle Bin. Those files count to the app size. You can clear the Recycle bin by opening it and deleting all files, or from the app settings. Every file in the Bin is deleted automatically after 30 days.</string>
<string name="faq_16_title">What happened to file and folder hiding and why cannot I see hidden items anymore\?</string>
<string name="faq_16_text">Starting with Android 11 you cannot hide or unhide files or folders anymore, you cannot see the hidden ones in gallery apps due to system restrictions either. You will have to use some file manager for that.</string>
<string name="faq_16_text_extra">Or you can also grant this gallery access to All Files through your device settings, that will allow us showing hidden items and make file operations more reliable in general.</string>
<string name="faq_17_title">Why cannot I include missing folders anymore\?</string>
<string name="faq_17_text">That stopped working due to the system changes that came with Android 11 too, the app cannot browse real folders anymore, it relies on the so called MediaStore at fetching data.</string>
<string name="faq_18_title">Why do I see ads during video playback\?</string>
<string name="faq_18_text">Our apps have no ads whatsoever. If you see them during video playback, you must be using some other apps video player. Try finding your default video player in the device settings, then do a \"Clear defaults\" on it. The next time you invoke some video intent you will see an app picker prompt, where you can select what app you want to use.</string>
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<string name="faq_15_text">Pamięć podręczna aplikacji zajmuje do 250 MB, aby zapewnić szybsze ładowanie obrazów. Jeśli aplikacja zajmuje więcej miejsca, jest to najprawdopodobniej spowodowane tym, że masz elementy w koszu. Pliki te liczą się do rozmiaru aplikacji. Możesz wyczyścić kosz przez otwarcie go i usunięcie wszystkich plików albo z poziomu ustawień aplikacji. Każdy plik w koszu jest usuwany automatycznie po 30 dniach.</string>
<string name="faq_16_title">Co się stało z ukrywaniem plików i folderów i dlaczego nie widzę już ukrytych elementów\?</string>
<string name="faq_16_text">Począwszy od Androida 11 nie można już ukrywać ani odkrywać plików lub folderów, nie możesz też zobaczyć ukrytych elementów w aplikacjach galerii ze względu na ograniczenia systemowe. W tym celu będziesz musiał(a) użyć jakiegoś menedżera plików.</string>
<string name="faq_16_text_extra">Or you can also grant this gallery access to All Files through your device settings, that will allow us showing hidden items and make file operations more reliable in general.</string>
<string name="faq_16_text_extra">Możesz też przyznać tej galerii dostęp do wszystkich plików za pomocą ustawień urządzenia, co pozwoli nam pokazywać ukryte elementy i ogólnie zwiększyć niezawodność operacji na plikach.</string>
<string name="faq_17_title">Dlaczego nie mogę już dołączyć brakujących folderów\?</string>
<string name="faq_17_text">To również przestało działać z powodu zmian systemowych, które pojawiły się w Androidzie 11. Aplikacja nie może już przeglądać prawdziwych folderów i polega na tak zwanym MediaStore przy pobieraniu danych.</string>
<string name="faq_18_title">Dlaczego widzę reklamy podczas odtwarzania wideo\?</string>
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Haven't found some strings? There's more at
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<string name="faq_15_text">Кеш приложения может занимать до 250 МБ, это обеспечивает более быструю загрузку изображений. Если приложение занимает ещё больше места, это, скорее всего, связано с тем, что в корзине находятся удалённые элементы. Эти файлы прибавляются к размеру приложения. Вы можете очистить корзину или открыв её, или из настроек приложения. Любой файл в корзине автоматически удаляется через 30 дней.</string>
<string name="faq_16_title">Что случилось со скрытием файлов и папок и почему я больше не вижу скрытые элементы\?</string>
<string name="faq_16_text">Начиная с Android 11, вы больше не можете скрывать или отображать файлы или папки, вы также не можете видеть скрытые в приложениях галереи из-за системных ограничений. Для этого вам придётся использовать файловый менеджер.</string>
<string name="faq_16_text_extra">Or you can also grant this gallery access to All Files through your device settings, that will allow us showing hidden items and make file operations more reliable in general.</string>
<string name="faq_16_text_extra">Также можно предоставить галерее доступ ко всем файлам в настройках устройства, что позволит показывать скрытые элементы и в целом повысить надёжность работы с файлами.</string>
<string name="faq_17_title">Почему я больше не могу включать отсутствующие папки\?</string>
<string name="faq_17_text">Это перестало работать из-за системных изменений, которые пришли с Android 11: приложение больше не может просматривать реальные папки, оно полагается на так называемый MediaStore при получении данных.</string>
<string name="faq_18_title">Почему я вижу рекламу во время воспроизведения видео\?</string>
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<string name="faq_15_text">Uygulama önbelleği 250 MB\'a kadar çıkabilir, daha hızlı resim yüklemesini sağlar. Uygulama daha da fazla yer kaplıyorsa, büyük olasılıkla Geri Dönüşüm Kutusunda öge bulundurmanızdan kaynaklanmaktadır. Bu dosyalar uygulama boyutuna göre sayılır. Geri Dönüşüm Kutusunu açarak ve tüm dosyaları silerek ya da uygulama ayarlarından temizleyebilirsiniz. Geri dönüşümdeki her dosya 30 gün sonra otomatik olarak silinir.</string>
<string name="faq_16_title">Dosya ve klasör gizlemeye ne oldu ve neden artık gizli ögeleri göremiyorum\?</string>
<string name="faq_16_text">Android 11\'den itibaren artık dosya veya klasörleri gizleyemez veya gizliliğini kaldıramazsınız, sistem kısıtlamaları nedeniyle galeri uygulamalarında da gizli olanları göremezsiniz. Bunun için bir dosya yöneticisi kullanmanız gerekecektir.</string>
<string name="faq_16_text_extra">Or you can also grant this gallery access to All Files through your device settings, that will allow us showing hidden items and make file operations more reliable in general.</string>
<string name="faq_16_text_extra">Veya aygıt ayarlarınız aracılığıyla bu galeriye Tüm Dosyalara erişim izni verebilirsiniz, bu da gizli ögeleri göstermemizi ve dosya işlemlerini genel olarak daha güvenilir hale getirmemizi sağlayacaktır.</string>
<string name="faq_17_title">Neden artık eksik klasörleri dahil edemiyorum\?</string>
<string name="faq_17_text">Bu, Android 11 ile birlikte gelen sistem değişiklikleri nedeniyle çalışmayı durdurdu, uygulama artık gerçek klasörlere göz atamıyor, verileri almak için MediaStore kullanıyor.</string>
<string name="faq_18_title">Video oynatılırken neden reklam görüyorum\?</string>
Reference in a new issue