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synced 2025-03-22 19:57:15 +01:00
updating the app long description
This commit is contained in:
30 changed files with 640 additions and 155 deletions
@ -212,8 +212,33 @@
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">استوديو لعرض الصور والفيديو بدون اعلانات.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">أداة بسيطة تستخدام لعرض الصور ومقاطع الفيديو. يمكن فرز العناصر حسب التاريخ والحجم والاسم على حد سواء تصاعدي أو تنازلي، يمكن تكبير الصور. يتم عرض ملفات الوسائط في أعمدة متعددة اعتمادا على حجم الشاشة، يمكنك تغيير عدد الأعمدة عبر إيماءاة القرص . يمكن إعادة تسميته، مشاركة، حذف، نسخ، نقل. ويمكن أيضا اقتصاص الصور، استدارة، او قلب أو تعيين كخلفية مباشرة من التطبيق. يتم عرض المحتوى أيضا للاستخدام طرف ثالث لمعاينة الصور / الفيديو، إضافة المرفقات في برامج البريد الإلكتروني الخ انه مثالي للاستخدام اليومي. لا يحتوي على إعلانات أو أذونات لا حاجة لها. مفتوح المصدر بشكل كلي ، ويوفر الألوان للتخصيص. هذا التطبيق هو مجرد قطعة واحدة من سلسلة أكبر من التطبيقات. يمكنك العثور على بقيتهم هنا\n
<string name="app_long_description">
A highly customizable gallery capable of displaying many different image and video types including SVGs, RAWs, panoramic photos and videos.
It is open source, contains no ads or unnecessary permissions.
Let\'s list some of its features worth mentioning:
1. Search
2. Slideshow
3. Notch support
4. Pinning folders to the top
5. Filtering media files by type
6. Recycle bin for easy file recovery
7. Fullscreen view orientation locking
8. Marking favorite files for easy access
9. Quick fullscreen media closing with down gesture
10. An editor for modifying images and applying filters
11. Password protection for protecting hidden items or the whole app
12. Changing the thumbnail column count with gestures or menu buttons
13. Customizable bottom actions at the fullscreen view for quick access
14. Showing extended details over fullscreen media with desired file properties
15. Several different ways of sorting or grouping items, both ascending and descending
16. Hiding folders (affects other apps too), excluding folders (affects only Simple Gallery)
The fingerprint permission is needed for locking either hidden item visibility, the whole app, or protecting files from being deleted.
This app is just one piece of a bigger series of apps. You can find the rest of them at https://www.simplemobiletools.com
Haven't found some strings? There's more at
@ -211,13 +211,29 @@
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Şəkil və videolara baxmaq üçün reklamsız qalereya.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
A simple tool usable for viewing photos and videos. Items can be sorted by date, size, name both ascending or descending, photos can be zoomed in. Media files are shown in multiple columns depending on the size of the display, you can change the column count by pinch gestures. They can be renamed, shared, deleted, copied, moved. Images can also be cropped, rotated, flipped or set as Wallpaper directly from the app.
A highly customizable gallery capable of displaying many different image and video types including SVGs, RAWs, panoramic photos and videos.
The Gallery is also offered for third party usage for previewing images / videos, adding attachments at email clients etc. It\'s perfect for everyday usage.
It is open source, contains no ads or unnecessary permissions.
The fingerprint permission is needed for locking either hidden item visibility, or the whole app.
Let\'s list some of its features worth mentioning:
1. Search
2. Slideshow
3. Notch support
4. Pinning folders to the top
5. Filtering media files by type
6. Recycle bin for easy file recovery
7. Fullscreen view orientation locking
8. Marking favorite files for easy access
9. Quick fullscreen media closing with down gesture
10. An editor for modifying images and applying filters
11. Password protection for protecting hidden items or the whole app
12. Changing the thumbnail column count with gestures or menu buttons
13. Customizable bottom actions at the fullscreen view for quick access
14. Showing extended details over fullscreen media with desired file properties
15. Several different ways of sorting or grouping items, both ascending and descending
16. Hiding folders (affects other apps too), excluding folders (affects only Simple Gallery)
Contains no ads or unnecessary permissions. It is fully opensource, provides customizable colors.
The fingerprint permission is needed for locking either hidden item visibility, the whole app, or protecting files from being deleted.
This app is just one piece of a bigger series of apps. You can find the rest of them at https://www.simplemobiletools.com
@ -211,15 +211,31 @@
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Una galeria per veure imatges i vídeos sense publicitat.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Una eina senzilla que es pot fer servir per veure imatges i vídeos. Els elements es poden ordenar per data, mida o nom, tant ascendent com descendent. Es pot fer zoom a les imatges. Els arxius de mitjans es mostren en múltiples columnes depenent de la mida de la pantalla i es pot canviar el número de columnes mitjançant gestos. Permet canviar el nom, compartir, esborrar, i moure. Les imatges també es poden retalla, rotar o utilitzar com a fons de pantalla directament des de l\'aplicació.
A highly customizable gallery capable of displaying many different image and video types including SVGs, RAWs, panoramic photos and videos.
Gallery també s\'ofereix per us de tercers, per visualitzar imatges/vídeos, agregar adjunts a clients de correu, etc. Es perfecta per l\'ús diari.
It is open source, contains no ads or unnecessary permissions.
El permís d\'empremtes dactilars és necessari per bloquejar la visibilitat d\'elements ocults o tota l\'aplicació.
Let\'s list some of its features worth mentioning:
1. Search
2. Slideshow
3. Notch support
4. Pinning folders to the top
5. Filtering media files by type
6. Recycle bin for easy file recovery
7. Fullscreen view orientation locking
8. Marking favorite files for easy access
9. Quick fullscreen media closing with down gesture
10. An editor for modifying images and applying filters
11. Password protection for protecting hidden items or the whole app
12. Changing the thumbnail column count with gestures or menu buttons
13. Customizable bottom actions at the fullscreen view for quick access
14. Showing extended details over fullscreen media with desired file properties
15. Several different ways of sorting or grouping items, both ascending and descending
16. Hiding folders (affects other apps too), excluding folders (affects only Simple Gallery)
No conté ni publicitat ni permisos innecessaris. Es totalment Lliure i proporciona colors personalitzables.
The fingerprint permission is needed for locking either hidden item visibility, the whole app, or protecting files from being deleted.
Aquesta aplicació es només una peça d\'una sèrie més gran d\'aplicacions. Pots trobar la resta a https://www.simplemobiletools.com
This app is just one piece of a bigger series of apps. You can find the rest of them at https://www.simplemobiletools.com
@ -211,15 +211,31 @@
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Galerie na prohlížení obrázků a videí bez reklam.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Jednoduchý nástroj použitelný na prohlížení obrázků a videí. Položky mohou být seřazeny podle data, velikosti či názvu vzestupně i sestupně. Obrázky lze přiblížit. Položky jsou zobrazeny ve více sloupcích v závislosti na velikosti displeje, počet sloupců je možné měnit gestem. Soubory můžete přejmenovávat, sdílet, mazat, kopírovat i přesouvat. Obrázky lze ořezávat, otáčen, nebo nastavit jako tapetu přímo v aplikaci.
A highly customizable gallery capable of displaying many different image and video types including SVGs, RAWs, panoramic photos and videos.
Galerie je též k disposici ostatním aplikacím za účelem zobrazení fotografií a videí a přidávání příloh v e-mailových klientech. Je vhodná ke každodennímu použití.
It is open source, contains no ads or unnecessary permissions.
The fingerprint permission is needed for locking either hidden item visibility, or the whole app.
Let\'s list some of its features worth mentioning:
1. Search
2. Slideshow
3. Notch support
4. Pinning folders to the top
5. Filtering media files by type
6. Recycle bin for easy file recovery
7. Fullscreen view orientation locking
8. Marking favorite files for easy access
9. Quick fullscreen media closing with down gesture
10. An editor for modifying images and applying filters
11. Password protection for protecting hidden items or the whole app
12. Changing the thumbnail column count with gestures or menu buttons
13. Customizable bottom actions at the fullscreen view for quick access
14. Showing extended details over fullscreen media with desired file properties
15. Several different ways of sorting or grouping items, both ascending and descending
16. Hiding folders (affects other apps too), excluding folders (affects only Simple Gallery)
Neobsahuje žádné reklamy ani nepotřebná oprávnění a má otevřený zdrojový kód. Poskytuje možnost změny barev rozhraní.
The fingerprint permission is needed for locking either hidden item visibility, the whole app, or protecting files from being deleted.
Táto aplikace je jen jednou ze skupiny aplikací. Všechny tyto aplikace naleznete na https://www.simplemobiletools.com
This app is just one piece of a bigger series of apps. You can find the rest of them at https://www.simplemobiletools.com
@ -211,13 +211,29 @@
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">A gallery for viewing photos and videos without ads.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
A simple tool usable for viewing photos and videos. Items can be sorted by date, size, name both ascending or descending, photos can be zoomed in. Media files are shown in multiple columns depending on the size of the display, you can change the column count by pinch gestures. They can be renamed, shared, deleted, copied, moved. Images can also be cropped, rotated, flipped or set as Wallpaper directly from the app.
A highly customizable gallery capable of displaying many different image and video types including SVGs, RAWs, panoramic photos and videos.
The Gallery is also offered for third party usage for previewing images / videos, adding attachments at email clients etc. It\'s perfect for everyday usage.
It is open source, contains no ads or unnecessary permissions.
The fingerprint permission is needed for locking either hidden item visibility, or the whole app.
Let\'s list some of its features worth mentioning:
1. Search
2. Slideshow
3. Notch support
4. Pinning folders to the top
5. Filtering media files by type
6. Recycle bin for easy file recovery
7. Fullscreen view orientation locking
8. Marking favorite files for easy access
9. Quick fullscreen media closing with down gesture
10. An editor for modifying images and applying filters
11. Password protection for protecting hidden items or the whole app
12. Changing the thumbnail column count with gestures or menu buttons
13. Customizable bottom actions at the fullscreen view for quick access
14. Showing extended details over fullscreen media with desired file properties
15. Several different ways of sorting or grouping items, both ascending and descending
16. Hiding folders (affects other apps too), excluding folders (affects only Simple Gallery)
Contains no ads or unnecessary permissions. It is fully opensource, provides customizable colors.
The fingerprint permission is needed for locking either hidden item visibility, the whole app, or protecting files from being deleted.
This app is just one piece of a bigger series of apps. You can find the rest of them at https://www.simplemobiletools.com
@ -210,15 +210,31 @@
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Eine schlichte Galerie zum Betrachten von Bildern und Videos, ganz ohne Werbung.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Eine schlichte App zum Betrachten von Bildern und Videos. Alle Medien können nach Datum, Größe, Name sowie auf- oder absteigend sortiert werden, in Bilder kann auch hineingezoomt werden. Die Vorschau-Kacheln werden in mehreren Spalten abhängig von der Displaygröße angezeigt, die Spaltenanzahl ist mit Zweifingergesten änderbar. Die Medien können umbenannt, geteilt, gelöscht, kopiert und verschoben werden. Bilder können direkt aus der App heraus zugeschnitten, gedreht oder als Hintergrund festgelegt werden.
A highly customizable gallery capable of displaying many different image and video types including SVGs, RAWs, panoramic photos and videos.
Diese Galerie bietet auch für Drittanbieter einige Funktionen an: zur Vorschau von Bildern/Videos, zum Hinzufügen von Anhängen bei Email-Apps, etc. Sie ist perfekt für den täglichen Gebrauch.
It is open source, contains no ads or unnecessary permissions.
Die Berechtigung für Fingerabdrücke wird nur benötigt, um die Sichtbarkeit von versteckten Dateien oder die gesamte App zu sperren.
Let\'s list some of its features worth mentioning:
1. Search
2. Slideshow
3. Notch support
4. Pinning folders to the top
5. Filtering media files by type
6. Recycle bin for easy file recovery
7. Fullscreen view orientation locking
8. Marking favorite files for easy access
9. Quick fullscreen media closing with down gesture
10. An editor for modifying images and applying filters
11. Password protection for protecting hidden items or the whole app
12. Changing the thumbnail column count with gestures or menu buttons
13. Customizable bottom actions at the fullscreen view for quick access
14. Showing extended details over fullscreen media with desired file properties
15. Several different ways of sorting or grouping items, both ascending and descending
16. Hiding folders (affects other apps too), excluding folders (affects only Simple Gallery)
Beinhaltet keine Werbung oder unnötige Berechtigungen. Sie ist komplett Open Source, alle verwendeten Farben sind anpassbar.
The fingerprint permission is needed for locking either hidden item visibility, the whole app, or protecting files from being deleted.
Diese App ist nur eine aus einer größeren Serie von schlichten Apps. Der Rest davon findet sich auf https://www.simplemobiletools.com
This app is just one piece of a bigger series of apps. You can find the rest of them at https://www.simplemobiletools.com
@ -211,15 +211,31 @@
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Μία Gallery για την προβολή φωτογραφιών και βίντεο χωρίς διαφημίσεις.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Μία απλή εφαρμογή για την προβολή φωτογραφιών και βίντεο. Τα αντικείμενα μπορούνα να ταξινομηθούν με βάση την ημερ/νία, το μέγεθος και το όνομα με αύξουσα ή φθήνουσα σειρά, οι φωτογραφίες μπορούν να μεγεθυνθούν. Τα αρχεία πολυμέσων εμφανίζονται σε πολλαπλές στήλες ανάλογα με τον μέγεθος της οθόνης και μπορείτε να αλλάξετε τον αριθμό των στηλών με τα 2 δάχτυλα (pintch). Μπορούν να μετονομαστούν, να μοιραστούν, να διαγραφούν, να αντιγραφούν και να μετακινηθούν. Οι εικόνες επίσης μπορούν να κοπούν, να περιστραφούν, να αντιστραφούν ή να οριστούν ως ταπετσαρίες κατευθείαν από την εφαρμογή.
A highly customizable gallery capable of displaying many different image and video types including SVGs, RAWs, panoramic photos and videos.
Η Gallery επίσης μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί από άλλες εφαρμογές για προεμφάνιση φωτογραφιών / βίντεο, να μπουν ως επισυνάψεις σε εφαρμογές email κλπ. Είναι τέλεια για καθημερινή χρήση.
It is open source, contains no ads or unnecessary permissions.
Η εξουσιοδότηση δαχτυλικού αποτυπώματος χρειάζεται για το κλείδωμα των κρυφών αντικειμένων ή ολόκληρης της εφαρμογής.
Let\'s list some of its features worth mentioning:
1. Search
2. Slideshow
3. Notch support
4. Pinning folders to the top
5. Filtering media files by type
6. Recycle bin for easy file recovery
7. Fullscreen view orientation locking
8. Marking favorite files for easy access
9. Quick fullscreen media closing with down gesture
10. An editor for modifying images and applying filters
11. Password protection for protecting hidden items or the whole app
12. Changing the thumbnail column count with gestures or menu buttons
13. Customizable bottom actions at the fullscreen view for quick access
14. Showing extended details over fullscreen media with desired file properties
15. Several different ways of sorting or grouping items, both ascending and descending
16. Hiding folders (affects other apps too), excluding folders (affects only Simple Gallery)
Δεν περιέχει διαφημίσεις ή περιττά δικαιώματα. Έιναι όλη ανοιχτού κώδικα και παρέχει προσαρμόσιμα χρώματα για την εφαρμογή.
The fingerprint permission is needed for locking either hidden item visibility, the whole app, or protecting files from being deleted.
Αυτή η εφαρμογή είναι μέρος μιας σειράς εφαρμογών. Μπορείτε να βρείτε τις υπόλοιπες στο https://www.simplemobiletools.com
This app is just one piece of a bigger series of apps. You can find the rest of them at https://www.simplemobiletools.com
@ -211,15 +211,31 @@
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Una galería para ver fotos y vídeos sin publicidad.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Una herramienta sencilla que se puede usar para ver fotos y vídeos. Los elementos se pueden ordenar por fecha, tamaño, nombre tanto ascendente como descendente; se puede hacer zoom en las fotos. Los archivos de medios se muestran en múltiples columnas dependiendo del tamaño de la pantalla, y se puede cambiar el número de columnas mediante gestos. Permite renombrar, compartir, borrar, mover. Las imágenes también se pueden recortar, rotar o usarse como fondo de pantalla directamente desde la aplicación.
A highly customizable gallery capable of displaying many different image and video types including SVGs, RAWs, panoramic photos and videos.
Gallery también se ofrece para uso de terceros para previsualizar imágenes/vídeos, agregar adjuntos en clientes de correo, etc. Es perfecta para uso diario.
It is open source, contains no ads or unnecessary permissions.
El permiso de huella digital es necesario para bloquear la visibilidad de elementos ocultos o toda la aplicación.
Let\'s list some of its features worth mentioning:
1. Search
2. Slideshow
3. Notch support
4. Pinning folders to the top
5. Filtering media files by type
6. Recycle bin for easy file recovery
7. Fullscreen view orientation locking
8. Marking favorite files for easy access
9. Quick fullscreen media closing with down gesture
10. An editor for modifying images and applying filters
11. Password protection for protecting hidden items or the whole app
12. Changing the thumbnail column count with gestures or menu buttons
13. Customizable bottom actions at the fullscreen view for quick access
14. Showing extended details over fullscreen media with desired file properties
15. Several different ways of sorting or grouping items, both ascending and descending
16. Hiding folders (affects other apps too), excluding folders (affects only Simple Gallery)
No contiene publicidad ni permisos innecesarios. Es totalmente libre, proporciona colores personalizables.
The fingerprint permission is needed for locking either hidden item visibility, the whole app, or protecting files from being deleted.
Esta aplicación es solamente una pieza de una serie más grande de aplicaciones. Puede encontrar el resto en https://www.simplemobiletools.com
This app is just one piece of a bigger series of apps. You can find the rest of them at https://www.simplemobiletools.com
@ -211,15 +211,31 @@
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Galleria kuvien ja videoiden katsomiseen ilman mainoksia.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Yksinkertainen työkalu kuvien ja videoiden katsomiseen. Kohteita voidaan lajitella päivän, koon, nimen mukaan, nousevassa ja laskevassa järjestyksessä. Kuvia voidaan zoomata. Mediatiedostot näkyvät useissa sarakkeissa joiden määrää muutetaan nipistys-eleellä. Tiedostoja voidaan uudelleennimetä, jakaa, poistaa, kopioida. Kuvia voi rajata, pyörittää tai asettaa taustakuvaksi suoraan sovelluksesta.
A highly customizable gallery capable of displaying many different image and video types including SVGs, RAWs, panoramic photos and videos.
Galleriaa tarjotaan myös kolmansille osapuolille kuvien / videoiden tarkasteluun, liitteiden lisäämiseksi sähköpostiin yms. Täydellinen jokapäiväiseen käyttöön.
It is open source, contains no ads or unnecessary permissions.
The fingerprint permission is needed for locking either hidden item visibility, or the whole app.
Let\'s list some of its features worth mentioning:
1. Search
2. Slideshow
3. Notch support
4. Pinning folders to the top
5. Filtering media files by type
6. Recycle bin for easy file recovery
7. Fullscreen view orientation locking
8. Marking favorite files for easy access
9. Quick fullscreen media closing with down gesture
10. An editor for modifying images and applying filters
11. Password protection for protecting hidden items or the whole app
12. Changing the thumbnail column count with gestures or menu buttons
13. Customizable bottom actions at the fullscreen view for quick access
14. Showing extended details over fullscreen media with desired file properties
15. Several different ways of sorting or grouping items, both ascending and descending
16. Hiding folders (affects other apps too), excluding folders (affects only Simple Gallery)
Ei sisällä mainoksia tai turhia käyttöoikeuksia. Täysin avointa lähdekoodia, tarjoaa muokattavat värit.
The fingerprint permission is needed for locking either hidden item visibility, the whole app, or protecting files from being deleted.
Tämä sovellus on vain yksi osa suurempaa kokoelmaa. Löydät loput osoitteesta https://www.simplemobiletools.com
This app is just one piece of a bigger series of apps. You can find the rest of them at https://www.simplemobiletools.com
@ -130,7 +130,6 @@
<string name="by_date_taken">Date de prise de vue</string>
<string name="by_file_type">Type de fichier</string>
<string name="by_extension">Extension</string>
<string name="use_for_this_folder">Définir pour ce dossier uniquement</string>
<!-- Settings -->
<string name="autoplay_videos">Lecture automatique des vidéos</string>
@ -158,7 +157,6 @@
<string name="allow_deep_zooming_images">Utiliser le zoom maximal des images</string>
<string name="hide_extended_details">Ne pas afficher les informations supplémentaires si la barre d\'état est masquée</string>
<string name="do_extra_check">Éviter l\'affichage de fichiers non conformes</string>
<string name="show_hidden_items">Afficher les éléments masqués</string>
<string name="show_at_bottom">Afficher les boutons d\'action</string>
<string name="show_recycle_bin">Afficher la corbeille en vue \"Dossier\"</string>
<string name="deep_zoomable_images">Niveau de zoom maximal des images</string>
@ -211,15 +209,31 @@
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Une galerie pour visionner photos et vidéos sans publicité.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Un outil simple pour visionner les photos et les vidéos. Elles peuvent être triées par dates, dimensions, noms dans les deux ordres (alphabétique ou alphabétique inversé), il est possible de zoomer sur les photos. Les fichiers sont affichés sur de multiples colonnes en fonction de la dimension de l\'écran, vous pouvez changer le nombre de colonnes par pincement. Elles peuvent être renommées, partagées, supprimées, copiées et déplacées. Les images peuvent en plus être pivotées, rognées ou être définies comme fond d\'écran directement depuis l\'application.
La galerie est également proposée pour une utilisation comme tierce partie pour la prévisualisation des images/vidéos, ajouter des pièces jointes aux clients de courriel, etc… C\'est parfait pour un usage au quotidien.
L\'autorisation d\'empreinte digitale est nécessaire pour verrouiller les dossiers masqués et/ou l\'application.
L\'application ne contient ni publicité, ni autorisation inutile. Elle est totalement opensource et est également fournie avec des couleurs personnalisables.
Cette application fait partie d\'une plus grande suite. Vous pouvez trouver les autres applications sur https://www.simplemobiletools.com
A highly customizable gallery capable of displaying many different image and video types including SVGs, RAWs, panoramic photos and videos.
It is open source, contains no ads or unnecessary permissions.
Let\'s list some of its features worth mentioning:
1. Search
2. Slideshow
3. Notch support
4. Pinning folders to the top
5. Filtering media files by type
6. Recycle bin for easy file recovery
7. Fullscreen view orientation locking
8. Marking favorite files for easy access
9. Quick fullscreen media closing with down gesture
10. An editor for modifying images and applying filters
11. Password protection for protecting hidden items or the whole app
12. Changing the thumbnail column count with gestures or menu buttons
13. Customizable bottom actions at the fullscreen view for quick access
14. Showing extended details over fullscreen media with desired file properties
15. Several different ways of sorting or grouping items, both ascending and descending
16. Hiding folders (affects other apps too), excluding folders (affects only Simple Gallery)
The fingerprint permission is needed for locking either hidden item visibility, the whole app, or protecting files from being deleted.
This app is just one piece of a bigger series of apps. You can find the rest of them at https://www.simplemobiletools.com
@ -211,15 +211,31 @@
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Unha galería para ver fotos e videos, pero non publicidade.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Unha simple ferramenta para ver fotos e vídeos. Pode organizar os elementos por data, tamaño, nome tanto ascendentes como descendentes, pode facer zoom nas fotografías. Os ficheiros de medios móstranse en múltiples columnas dependendo do tamaño da pantalla, pode mudar o número de columnas con xestos de belisco. Poden ser renomeados, compartidos, eliminados, copiados, movidos. As imaxes tamén se poden recortar, rotar, voltear ou establecer como fondo de pantalla directamente no aplicativo.
A Galería tamén se ofrece como aplicación de terceiros para vista previa de imaxes / vídeos, engadir anexos en correos etc. É perfecta para o uso diario.
A highly customizable gallery capable of displaying many different image and video types including SVGs, RAWs, panoramic photos and videos.
O permiso de pegada é preciso para bloquear a visibilidade de elementos ocultos ou o aplicativo completo.
It is open source, contains no ads or unnecessary permissions.
Non contén anuncios nin solicita permisos innecesarios. É de código aberto, con cores personalizadas.
Let\'s list some of its features worth mentioning:
1. Search
2. Slideshow
3. Notch support
4. Pinning folders to the top
5. Filtering media files by type
6. Recycle bin for easy file recovery
7. Fullscreen view orientation locking
8. Marking favorite files for easy access
9. Quick fullscreen media closing with down gesture
10. An editor for modifying images and applying filters
11. Password protection for protecting hidden items or the whole app
12. Changing the thumbnail column count with gestures or menu buttons
13. Customizable bottom actions at the fullscreen view for quick access
14. Showing extended details over fullscreen media with desired file properties
15. Several different ways of sorting or grouping items, both ascending and descending
16. Hiding folders (affects other apps too), excluding folders (affects only Simple Gallery)
Este aplicativo é só unha das pezas de unha grande familia. Pode atopar o resto en https://www.simplemobiletools.com
The fingerprint permission is needed for locking either hidden item visibility, the whole app, or protecting files from being deleted.
This app is just one piece of a bigger series of apps. You can find the rest of them at https://www.simplemobiletools.com
@ -211,15 +211,31 @@
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Galerija za gledanje fotografija i videozapisa bez oglasa.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Jednostavan alat za pregled slika, GIFova i videa. Datoteke možete sortirati po datumu, veličini, imenu i to uzlazno i silazno. Također možete zumirati slike. Medijski sadržaj se prikazuje u višestrukim stupcima ovisno o veličini ekrana, a vi samo možete birati broj stupaca s gestom štipkanja. Možete preimenovati, dijeliti, brisati, kopirati, premještati datoteke. Slike također možete izrezati, rotirati ili postaviki kao pozadinu ekrana, odmah iz aplikacije.
A highly customizable gallery capable of displaying many different image and video types including SVGs, RAWs, panoramic photos and videos.
Galerija se također može koristiti za pregledavanje slika i videa u drugim aplikacijama, prikačivanja datoteka u e-mail aplikacije itd. Savršeno za svakodnevno korištenje.
It is open source, contains no ads or unnecessary permissions.
Dopuštenje otiska prsta je potrebno za zaključavanje prikaza skrivene stavke ili cijele aplikacije.
Let\'s list some of its features worth mentioning:
1. Search
2. Slideshow
3. Notch support
4. Pinning folders to the top
5. Filtering media files by type
6. Recycle bin for easy file recovery
7. Fullscreen view orientation locking
8. Marking favorite files for easy access
9. Quick fullscreen media closing with down gesture
10. An editor for modifying images and applying filters
11. Password protection for protecting hidden items or the whole app
12. Changing the thumbnail column count with gestures or menu buttons
13. Customizable bottom actions at the fullscreen view for quick access
14. Showing extended details over fullscreen media with desired file properties
15. Several different ways of sorting or grouping items, both ascending and descending
16. Hiding folders (affects other apps too), excluding folders (affects only Simple Gallery)
Ne sadrži oglase ili nepotrebne dozvole. Aplikacije je otvorenog koda, pruža prilagodljive boje.
The fingerprint permission is needed for locking either hidden item visibility, the whole app, or protecting files from being deleted.
Ova je aplikacija samo dio većeg broja aplikacija. Možete pronaći ostatak na https://www.simplemobiletools.com
This app is just one piece of a bigger series of apps. You can find the rest of them at https://www.simplemobiletools.com
@ -211,13 +211,29 @@
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">A gallery for viewing photos and videos without ads.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
A simple tool usable for viewing photos and videos. Items can be sorted by date, size, name both ascending or descending, photos can be zoomed in. Media files are shown in multiple columns depending on the size of the display, you can change the column count by pinch gestures. They can be renamed, shared, deleted, copied, moved. Images can also be cropped, rotated or set as Wallpaper directly from the app.
A highly customizable gallery capable of displaying many different image and video types including SVGs, RAWs, panoramic photos and videos.
The Gallery is also offered for third party usage for previewing images / videos, adding attachments at email clients etc. It\'s perfect for everyday usage.
It is open source, contains no ads or unnecessary permissions.
The fingerprint permission is needed for locking either hidden item visibility, or the whole app.
Let\'s list some of its features worth mentioning:
1. Search
2. Slideshow
3. Notch support
4. Pinning folders to the top
5. Filtering media files by type
6. Recycle bin for easy file recovery
7. Fullscreen view orientation locking
8. Marking favorite files for easy access
9. Quick fullscreen media closing with down gesture
10. An editor for modifying images and applying filters
11. Password protection for protecting hidden items or the whole app
12. Changing the thumbnail column count with gestures or menu buttons
13. Customizable bottom actions at the fullscreen view for quick access
14. Showing extended details over fullscreen media with desired file properties
15. Several different ways of sorting or grouping items, both ascending and descending
16. Hiding folders (affects other apps too), excluding folders (affects only Simple Gallery)
Contains no ads or unnecessary permissions. It is fully opensource, provides customizable colors.
The fingerprint permission is needed for locking either hidden item visibility, the whole app, or protecting files from being deleted.
This app is just one piece of a bigger series of apps. You can find the rest of them at https://www.simplemobiletools.com
@ -211,15 +211,31 @@
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Una galleria per visualizzare foto e video senza pubblicità.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Un semplice strumento per visualizzare foto e video. Gli elementi possono essere ordinati per data, dimensioni, nome sia ascendente che discendente; le foto possono essere ingrandite. I file sono mostrati in colonne multiple a seconda delle dimensioni dello schermo, puoi modificare il numero di colonne con il tocco. Possono essere rinominate, condivise, eliminate, copiate, spostate. Le immagini possono anche essere ritagliate, ruotate o impostate come sfondo direttamente dalla app.
A highly customizable gallery capable of displaying many different image and video types including SVGs, RAWs, panoramic photos and videos.
Simple Gallery è anche offerta per utilizzo di terze parti per anteprime di immagini / video, aggiunta di allegati ai client email, ecc. È perfetta per un uso quotidiano.
It is open source, contains no ads or unnecessary permissions.
L\'autorizzazione per le impronte è necessaria per bloccare la visibilità di alcuni elementi o dell\'intera app.
Let\'s list some of its features worth mentioning:
1. Search
2. Slideshow
3. Notch support
4. Pinning folders to the top
5. Filtering media files by type
6. Recycle bin for easy file recovery
7. Fullscreen view orientation locking
8. Marking favorite files for easy access
9. Quick fullscreen media closing with down gesture
10. An editor for modifying images and applying filters
11. Password protection for protecting hidden items or the whole app
12. Changing the thumbnail column count with gestures or menu buttons
13. Customizable bottom actions at the fullscreen view for quick access
14. Showing extended details over fullscreen media with desired file properties
15. Several different ways of sorting or grouping items, both ascending and descending
16. Hiding folders (affects other apps too), excluding folders (affects only Simple Gallery)
Non contiene pubblicità o autorizzazioni non necessarie. È completamente opensource, offre colori personalizzabili.
The fingerprint permission is needed for locking either hidden item visibility, the whole app, or protecting files from being deleted.
Questa app è solo una piccola parte di una grande serie di altre app. Puoi trovarle tutte su https://www.simplemobiletools.com
This app is just one piece of a bigger series of apps. You can find the rest of them at https://www.simplemobiletools.com
@ -211,15 +211,31 @@
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">写真やビデオを見るためのギャラリー。広告はありません。</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
写真やビデオを見るためのシンプルなツール。 日付、サイズ、名前で、昇順または降順にアイテムを並べ替えることができ、写真は拡大表示できます。 メディアファイルは、画面のサイズに応じて最適な列数で表示されます。 名前の変更、共有、削除、コピー、移動が可能です。 画像をトリミング、回転、または壁紙としてアプリから直接設定することもできます。
A highly customizable gallery capable of displaying many different image and video types including SVGs, RAWs, panoramic photos and videos.
ギャラリーは、画像やビデオのプレビュー、メールクライアントで添付ファイルの追加など、サードパーティの用途にも提供されます。 日々の使用には最適です。
It is open source, contains no ads or unnecessary permissions.
Let\'s list some of its features worth mentioning:
1. Search
2. Slideshow
3. Notch support
4. Pinning folders to the top
5. Filtering media files by type
6. Recycle bin for easy file recovery
7. Fullscreen view orientation locking
8. Marking favorite files for easy access
9. Quick fullscreen media closing with down gesture
10. An editor for modifying images and applying filters
11. Password protection for protecting hidden items or the whole app
12. Changing the thumbnail column count with gestures or menu buttons
13. Customizable bottom actions at the fullscreen view for quick access
14. Showing extended details over fullscreen media with desired file properties
15. Several different ways of sorting or grouping items, both ascending and descending
16. Hiding folders (affects other apps too), excluding folders (affects only Simple Gallery)
広告や不要なアクセス許可は含まれていません。 完全にオープンソースで、ダークテーマも提供しています。
The fingerprint permission is needed for locking either hidden item visibility, the whole app, or protecting files from being deleted.
このアプリは、大きな一連のアプリの一つです。 他のアプリは https://www.simplemobiletools.com で見つけることができます
This app is just one piece of a bigger series of apps. You can find the rest of them at https://www.simplemobiletools.com
@ -211,19 +211,31 @@
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">광고없이 사진과 동영상을 볼 수 있는 갤러리.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
사진과 동영상을 간편하게 관리 할 수 있는 툴입니다.
날짜, 크기, 이름을 기준으로 정렬 할 수 있으며 사진을 확대 할 수 있습니다. 미디어 파일은 디스플레이의 크기에 맞춰 여러 열로 표시되며 핀치 제스처를 이용하여 변경 할 수도 있습니다.
이름변경, 공유, 삭제, 복사, 이동, 이미지편집, 배경화면 설정 등의 기능을 제공합니다.
A highly customizable gallery capable of displaying many different image and video types including SVGs, RAWs, panoramic photos and videos.
갤러리는 \'이미지/비디오 미리보기\', \'이메일 클라이언트에서 첨부파일 추가하기\' 등의 기능을 서드파티 애플리케이션에 제공합니다. 언제나 완벽하게 사용할 수 있습니다.
It is open source, contains no ads or unnecessary permissions.
앱을 잠그거나 숨김파일을 보기위하여 지문인식 기능을 사용하는 경우 지문사용 권한이 필요합니다.
Let\'s list some of its features worth mentioning:
1. Search
2. Slideshow
3. Notch support
4. Pinning folders to the top
5. Filtering media files by type
6. Recycle bin for easy file recovery
7. Fullscreen view orientation locking
8. Marking favorite files for easy access
9. Quick fullscreen media closing with down gesture
10. An editor for modifying images and applying filters
11. Password protection for protecting hidden items or the whole app
12. Changing the thumbnail column count with gestures or menu buttons
13. Customizable bottom actions at the fullscreen view for quick access
14. Showing extended details over fullscreen media with desired file properties
15. Several different ways of sorting or grouping items, both ascending and descending
16. Hiding folders (affects other apps too), excluding folders (affects only Simple Gallery)
광고가 포함되어 있거나, 불필요한 권한을 요청하지 않습니다. 이 앱의 모든 소스는 오픈소스이며, 사용자가 직접 애플리케이션의 컬러를 설정 할 수 있습니다.
The fingerprint permission is needed for locking either hidden item visibility, the whole app, or protecting files from being deleted.
이 앱은 다양한 시리즈의 모바일앱 중 하나입니다. 나머지는 https://www.simplemobiletools.com 에서 찾아보실 수 있습니다.
This app is just one piece of a bigger series of apps. You can find the rest of them at https://www.simplemobiletools.com
@ -211,15 +211,31 @@
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Galerija, skirta peržiūrėti nuotraukas ir vaizdo įrašus be reklamų.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Paprastas įrankis, naudojamas peržiūrėti nuotraukas ir vaizdo įrašus. Elementus galima suskirstyti pagal datą, dydį, pavadinimą tiek didėjančia, tiek mažėjančia tvarka, nuotraukos gali būti priartintos. Vaizdo bylos rodomos keliuose stulpeliuose, priklausomai nuo ekrano dydžio, kolonėlių skaičių galite keisti naudodami gesinimo gestus. Jas galima pervardyti, bendrinti, ištrinti, kopijuoti, perkelti. Vaizdus taip pat galima apkarpyti, pasukti, apversti arba nustatyti kaip "Darbalaukio paveikslėliu" tiesiai iš programėlės.
A highly customizable gallery capable of displaying many different image and video types including SVGs, RAWs, panoramic photos and videos.
Galerija taip pat siūloma trečiosioms šalims peržiūrėti atvaizdus / vaizdo įrašus, pridėti priedus el. Pašto klientams ir pan. Tai idealu kasdieniam naudojimui.
It is open source, contains no ads or unnecessary permissions.
Pirštų atspaudų leidimas reikalingas norint užblokuoti paslėptą elemento matomumą arba visą programą.
Neturi reklamų ar nereikalingų leidimų. Programėlė visiškai atviro kodo, yra galimybė keisti spalvas.
Ši programėle yra vienina iš keletos mūsų programėlių. Likusias Jūs galite rasti čia http://www.simplemobiletools.com
Let\'s list some of its features worth mentioning:
1. Search
2. Slideshow
3. Notch support
4. Pinning folders to the top
5. Filtering media files by type
6. Recycle bin for easy file recovery
7. Fullscreen view orientation locking
8. Marking favorite files for easy access
9. Quick fullscreen media closing with down gesture
10. An editor for modifying images and applying filters
11. Password protection for protecting hidden items or the whole app
12. Changing the thumbnail column count with gestures or menu buttons
13. Customizable bottom actions at the fullscreen view for quick access
14. Showing extended details over fullscreen media with desired file properties
15. Several different ways of sorting or grouping items, both ascending and descending
16. Hiding folders (affects other apps too), excluding folders (affects only Simple Gallery)
The fingerprint permission is needed for locking either hidden item visibility, the whole app, or protecting files from being deleted.
This app is just one piece of a bigger series of apps. You can find the rest of them at https://www.simplemobiletools.com
@ -211,13 +211,29 @@
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">A gallery for viewing photos and videos without ads.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
A simple tool usable for viewing photos and videos. Items can be sorted by date, size, name both ascending or descending, photos can be zoomed in. Media files are shown in multiple columns depending on the size of the display, you can change the column count by pinch gestures. They can be renamed, shared, deleted, copied, moved. Images can also be cropped, rotated, flipped or set as Wallpaper directly from the app.
A highly customizable gallery capable of displaying many different image and video types including SVGs, RAWs, panoramic photos and videos.
The Gallery is also offered for third party usage for previewing images / videos, adding attachments at email clients etc. It\'s perfect for everyday usage.
It is open source, contains no ads or unnecessary permissions.
The fingerprint permission is needed for locking either hidden item visibility, or the whole app.
Let\'s list some of its features worth mentioning:
1. Search
2. Slideshow
3. Notch support
4. Pinning folders to the top
5. Filtering media files by type
6. Recycle bin for easy file recovery
7. Fullscreen view orientation locking
8. Marking favorite files for easy access
9. Quick fullscreen media closing with down gesture
10. An editor for modifying images and applying filters
11. Password protection for protecting hidden items or the whole app
12. Changing the thumbnail column count with gestures or menu buttons
13. Customizable bottom actions at the fullscreen view for quick access
14. Showing extended details over fullscreen media with desired file properties
15. Several different ways of sorting or grouping items, both ascending and descending
16. Hiding folders (affects other apps too), excluding folders (affects only Simple Gallery)
Contains no ads or unnecessary permissions. It is fully opensource, provides customizable colors.
The fingerprint permission is needed for locking either hidden item visibility, the whole app, or protecting files from being deleted.
This app is just one piece of a bigger series of apps. You can find the rest of them at https://www.simplemobiletools.com
@ -211,15 +211,31 @@
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Een galerij voor afbeeldingen en video\'s, zonder advertenties.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Een eenvoudige galerij voor afbeeldingen en video\'s. Bestanden kunnen worden gesorteerd op datum, grootte en naam. Afbeeldingen kunnen in- en uitgezoomd worden. Bestanden worden afhankelijk van de schermgrootte weergegeven in kolommen, waarbij het aantal kolommen kan worden aangepast via knijpgebaren. Bestanden kunnen worden gedeeld, hernoemd, gekopieerd, verplaatst en verwijderd. Afbeeldingen kunnen ook worden bijgesneden, gedraaid, gekanteld of direct vanuit de app als achtergrond worden ingesteld.
A highly customizable gallery capable of displaying many different image and video types including SVGs, RAWs, panoramic photos and videos.
De galerij kan ook worden gebruikt voor het bekijken van afbeeldingen of video\'s vanuit andere apps, om bijlagen toe te voegen in e-mail, etc. Perfect voor dagelijks gebruik.
It is open source, contains no ads or unnecessary permissions.
De machtiging voor het uitlezen van vingerafdrukken is benodigd voor het vergendelen van verborgen items of de gehele app.
Let\'s list some of its features worth mentioning:
1. Search
2. Slideshow
3. Notch support
4. Pinning folders to the top
5. Filtering media files by type
6. Recycle bin for easy file recovery
7. Fullscreen view orientation locking
8. Marking favorite files for easy access
9. Quick fullscreen media closing with down gesture
10. An editor for modifying images and applying filters
11. Password protection for protecting hidden items or the whole app
12. Changing the thumbnail column count with gestures or menu buttons
13. Customizable bottom actions at the fullscreen view for quick access
14. Showing extended details over fullscreen media with desired file properties
15. Several different ways of sorting or grouping items, both ascending and descending
16. Hiding folders (affects other apps too), excluding folders (affects only Simple Gallery)
Bevat geen advertenties of onnodige machtigingen. Volledig open-source. Kleuren van de app kunnen worden aangepast.
The fingerprint permission is needed for locking either hidden item visibility, the whole app, or protecting files from being deleted.
Deze app is onderdeel van een grotere verzameling. Vind de andere apps op https://www.simplemobiletools.com
This app is just one piece of a bigger series of apps. You can find the rest of them at https://www.simplemobiletools.com
@ -209,13 +209,31 @@
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Prosta galeria bez reklam do przeglądania obrazów i filmów.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Prosta aplikacja galerii do oglądania obrazów i filmów. Pliki mogą być sortowane według daty, rozmiaru i nazwy, zarówno w porządku rosnącym, jak i malejącym. W zależności od wielkości ekranu, wyświetlane mogą być w wielu kolumnach. Liczbę kolumn można zmieniać za pomocą gestów, a zdjęcia mogą być powiększane, przycinane, obracane lub ustawiane jako tapeta bezpośrednio z poziomu aplikacji. Jej kolorystykę można dowolnie modyfikować.
A highly customizable gallery capable of displaying many different image and video types including SVGs, RAWs, panoramic photos and videos.
Uprawnienie od odcisków palców potrzebne jest w celu blokowania widoczności elementów, bądź też całej aplikacji.
It is open source, contains no ads or unnecessary permissions.
Nie zawiera żadnych reklam, nie potrzebuje wielu uprawnień i jest w pełni otwartoźródłowa.
Let\'s list some of its features worth mentioning:
1. Search
2. Slideshow
3. Notch support
4. Pinning folders to the top
5. Filtering media files by type
6. Recycle bin for easy file recovery
7. Fullscreen view orientation locking
8. Marking favorite files for easy access
9. Quick fullscreen media closing with down gesture
10. An editor for modifying images and applying filters
11. Password protection for protecting hidden items or the whole app
12. Changing the thumbnail column count with gestures or menu buttons
13. Customizable bottom actions at the fullscreen view for quick access
14. Showing extended details over fullscreen media with desired file properties
15. Several different ways of sorting or grouping items, both ascending and descending
16. Hiding folders (affects other apps too), excluding folders (affects only Simple Gallery)
Jest ona tylko częścią naszej kolekcji prostych narzędzi. Ta, jak i pozostałe, dostępne są na stronie https://www.simplemobiletools.com
The fingerprint permission is needed for locking either hidden item visibility, the whole app, or protecting files from being deleted.
This app is just one piece of a bigger series of apps. You can find the rest of them at https://www.simplemobiletools.com
@ -211,15 +211,31 @@
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Um aplicativo para visualizar fotos e vídeos.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Uma ferramenta simples para ver fotos e vídeos. Pode organizar os itens por data, tamanho, nome e ampliar as fotografias. As pastas são mostradas em colunas, e a sua exibição dependerá do tamanho da tela, aonde o usuário poderá alterar o número de colunas através de gestos. Você pode renomear, compartilhar, apagar, copiar e mover os arquivos. Também pode recortar, girar e definir as imagens como fundo de tela.
A highly customizable gallery capable of displaying many different image and video types including SVGs, RAWs, panoramic photos and videos.
Também pode ser utilizada para pré-visualizar imagens e vídeos, ou para adicionar como anexos ao e-mail, entre outros. É perfeita para a utilização diária.
It is open source, contains no ads or unnecessary permissions.
The fingerprint permission is needed for locking either hidden item visibility, or the whole app.
Let\'s list some of its features worth mentioning:
1. Search
2. Slideshow
3. Notch support
4. Pinning folders to the top
5. Filtering media files by type
6. Recycle bin for easy file recovery
7. Fullscreen view orientation locking
8. Marking favorite files for easy access
9. Quick fullscreen media closing with down gesture
10. An editor for modifying images and applying filters
11. Password protection for protecting hidden items or the whole app
12. Changing the thumbnail column count with gestures or menu buttons
13. Customizable bottom actions at the fullscreen view for quick access
14. Showing extended details over fullscreen media with desired file properties
15. Several different ways of sorting or grouping items, both ascending and descending
16. Hiding folders (affects other apps too), excluding folders (affects only Simple Gallery)
Não contém anúncios, nem permissões desnecessárias. Disponibiliza um tema escuro, e é totalmente \'open source\'.
The fingerprint permission is needed for locking either hidden item visibility, the whole app, or protecting files from being deleted.
Este aplicativo é apenas parte de um conjunto mais vasto de aplicações. Saiba mais em https://www.simplemobiletools.com
This app is just one piece of a bigger series of apps. You can find the rest of them at https://www.simplemobiletools.com
@ -211,15 +211,31 @@
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Uma aplicação para ver fotografias e vídeos.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Uma ferramenta simples para ver fotos e vídeos. Pode organizar os itens por data, tamanho, nome e ampliar as fotografias. Os ficheiros multimédia são mostrados em colunas e a sua exibição está dependente do tamanho do ecrã, podendo alterar o número de colunas através de gestos. Pode renomear, partilhar, apagar, copiar e mover as fotografias. Também pode recortar, rodar e definir as imagens como fundo do ecrã a partir da aplicação.
A highly customizable gallery capable of displaying many different image and video types including SVGs, RAWs, panoramic photos and videos.
Também pode ser utilizada para pré-visualizar imagens e vídeos ou para adicionar como anexos ao e-mail, entre outros. É perfeita para a utilização diária.
It is open source, contains no ads or unnecessary permissions.
A permissão Impressão digital é necessária para bloquear a visualização dos itens ocultos ou de toda a aplicação.
Let\'s list some of its features worth mentioning:
1. Search
2. Slideshow
3. Notch support
4. Pinning folders to the top
5. Filtering media files by type
6. Recycle bin for easy file recovery
7. Fullscreen view orientation locking
8. Marking favorite files for easy access
9. Quick fullscreen media closing with down gesture
10. An editor for modifying images and applying filters
11. Password protection for protecting hidden items or the whole app
12. Changing the thumbnail column count with gestures or menu buttons
13. Customizable bottom actions at the fullscreen view for quick access
14. Showing extended details over fullscreen media with desired file properties
15. Several different ways of sorting or grouping items, both ascending and descending
16. Hiding folders (affects other apps too), excluding folders (affects only Simple Gallery)
Não contém anúncios nem permissões desnecessárias. Disponibiliza um tema escuro e é totalmente \'open source\'.
The fingerprint permission is needed for locking either hidden item visibility, the whole app, or protecting files from being deleted.
Esta aplicação é apenas parte de um conjunto mais vasto de aplicações. Saiba mais em https://www.simplemobiletools.com
This app is just one piece of a bigger series of apps. You can find the rest of them at https://www.simplemobiletools.com
@ -211,15 +211,31 @@
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Галерея для просмотра изображений и видео. Без рекламы.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Простое приложение для просмотра изображений и видеозаписей. Отображаемые файлы могут быть отсортированы как по возрастанию, так и по убыванию даты, размера или имени. Фотографии можно масштабировать. В зависимости от размера экрана, медиафайлы располагаются в несколько столбцов, можно изменять число столбцов щипком двумя пальцами. Можно переименовывать, удалять, копировать, перемещать и делиться файлами из галереи. В приложении есть возможность обрезать и поворачивать изображения или устанавливать их в качестве обоев.
A highly customizable gallery capable of displaying many different image and video types including SVGs, RAWs, panoramic photos and videos.
Галерея идеальна для повседневных задач (предпросмотр фото/видео, добавление вложений в почтовых клиентах и т.д.).
It is open source, contains no ads or unnecessary permissions.
Разрешение \"Отпечаток пальца\" необходимо для блокировки видимости скрытых объектов или всего приложения.
Let\'s list some of its features worth mentioning:
1. Search
2. Slideshow
3. Notch support
4. Pinning folders to the top
5. Filtering media files by type
6. Recycle bin for easy file recovery
7. Fullscreen view orientation locking
8. Marking favorite files for easy access
9. Quick fullscreen media closing with down gesture
10. An editor for modifying images and applying filters
11. Password protection for protecting hidden items or the whole app
12. Changing the thumbnail column count with gestures or menu buttons
13. Customizable bottom actions at the fullscreen view for quick access
14. Showing extended details over fullscreen media with desired file properties
15. Several different ways of sorting or grouping items, both ascending and descending
16. Hiding folders (affects other apps too), excluding folders (affects only Simple Gallery)
Это приложение не будет показывать рекламу или запрашивать ненужные разрешения. У него полностью открытый исходный код и настраиваемые цвета оформления.
The fingerprint permission is needed for locking either hidden item visibility, the whole app, or protecting files from being deleted.
Simple Gallery — это приложение из серии Simple Mobile Tools. Остальные приложения из этой серии можно найти здесь: https://www.simplemobiletools.com
This app is just one piece of a bigger series of apps. You can find the rest of them at https://www.simplemobiletools.com
@ -211,13 +211,29 @@
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Galéria na prezeranie obrázkov a videí bez reklám.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Jednoduchá nástroj použiteľný na prezeranie obrázkov a videí. Položky môžu byť zoradené podľa dátumu, veľkosti, názvu oboma smermi, obrázky je možné aj priblížiť. Položky sú zobrazované vo viacerých stĺpcoch v závislosti od veľkosti displeja, počet stĺpcov je možné meniť pomocou gesta prstami. Súbory môžete premenovať, zdieľať, mazať, kopírovať, premiestňovať. Obrázky môžete orezať, otočiť, alebo nastaviť ako tapeta priamo v aplikácií.
Nastaviteľná galéria na zobrazovanie množstva rozličných druhov obrázkov a videí, vrátane SVG, RAW súborov, panoramatických fotiek a videí.
Galéria je tiež poskytovaná pre použitie treťou stranou pre prehliadanie fotiek a videí, pridávanie príloh v emailových klientoch. Je perfektná na každodenné použitie.
Je open source, neobsahuje reklamy, ani nepotrebné oprávnenia.
Prístup ku odtlačkom prstov je potrebný pre uzamykanie skrytých položiek, alebo celej apky.
Tu je niekoľko funkcií hodných spomenutia:
1. Vyhľadávanie
2. Slideshow
3. Podpora pre zárez v displeji
4. Pripínanie priečinkov na vrch
5. Filtrovanie médií podľa typu
6. Odpadkový kôš pre jednoduchú obnovu súborov
7. Uzamykanie orientácie celoobrazovkového režimu
8. Označovanie obľúbených položiek pre jednoduchý prístup
9. Rýchle ukončovanie celoobrazovkového režimu pomocou potiahnutia prstom dole
10. Editor na úpravu obrázkov a aplikáciu filtrov
11. Ochrana heslom pre zobrazovanie skrytých súborov, alebo celej aplikácie
12. Zmena počtu stĺpcov s náhľadmi buď gestúrami, alebo pomocou menu tlačidiel
13. Nastaviteľné spodné akcie na celoobrazovkovom režime pre rýchly prístup
14. Zobrazenie nastaviteľných rozšírených vlastností ponad celoobrazovkové médiá
15. Niekoľko rozličných spôsobov radenia a zoskupovania položiek vzostupne, alebo zostupne
16. Ukrývanie priečinkov (ovplyvňuje aj iné aplikácie), alebo ich vylúčenie (ovplyvní iba Jednoduchú galériu)
Neobsahuje žiadne reklamy a nepotrebné oprávnenia. Je opensource, poskytuje možnosť zmeny farieb.
Prístup k odtlačkom prstov je potrebný pre ochranu zobrazenia skrytých položiek, celej aplikácie, alebo ochranu súborov pred ich odstránením.
Táto aplikácia je iba jednou zo skupiny aplikácií. Ostatné viete nájsť na https://www.simplemobiletools.com
@ -211,15 +211,31 @@
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Ett galleri för att visa foton och videor utan reklam.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Ett enkelt verktyg för att visa foton och videor. Det kan zooma in på foton och sortera objekt i stigande eller fallande ordning efter datum, storlek eller namn. Mediefiler visas i flera kolumner. Antalet kolumner beror på skärmens storlek och kan ändras med nypgester. Mediefiler kan döpas om, delas, tas bort, kopieras eller flyttas. Bilder kan även beskäras, roteras, vändas eller anges som bakgrundsbilder direkt i appen.
A highly customizable gallery capable of displaying many different image and video types including SVGs, RAWs, panoramic photos and videos.
Galleriet kan även användas av tredjepartsappar för att förhandsgranska bilder och videor, lägga till bilagor i e-postklienter etc. Det är perfekt för daglig användning.
It is open source, contains no ads or unnecessary permissions.
Fingeravtrycksbehörigheten behövs för att låsa hela appen eller synligheten för dolda objekt.
Let\'s list some of its features worth mentioning:
1. Search
2. Slideshow
3. Notch support
4. Pinning folders to the top
5. Filtering media files by type
6. Recycle bin for easy file recovery
7. Fullscreen view orientation locking
8. Marking favorite files for easy access
9. Quick fullscreen media closing with down gesture
10. An editor for modifying images and applying filters
11. Password protection for protecting hidden items or the whole app
12. Changing the thumbnail column count with gestures or menu buttons
13. Customizable bottom actions at the fullscreen view for quick access
14. Showing extended details over fullscreen media with desired file properties
15. Several different ways of sorting or grouping items, both ascending and descending
16. Hiding folders (affects other apps too), excluding folders (affects only Simple Gallery)
Innehåller ingen reklam eller onödiga behörigheter. Det har helt öppen källkod och anpassningsbara färger.
The fingerprint permission is needed for locking either hidden item visibility, the whole app, or protecting files from being deleted.
Denna app är bara en del av en större serie appar. Du hittar resten av dem på https://www.simplemobiletools.com
This app is just one piece of a bigger series of apps. You can find the rest of them at https://www.simplemobiletools.com
@ -211,15 +211,31 @@
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Fotoğrafları ve videoları reklamsız görüntülemek için kullanılan bir galeri.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Fotoğrafları ve videoları görüntülemek için kullanılabilecek basit bir araç. Öğeler tarihine, boyutuna, adına göre artan veya azalan olarak sıralanabilir, fotoğraflar yakınlaştırılabilir. Medya dosyaları, ekranın boyutuna bağlı olarak birden fazla sütunda gösterilir, sıkıştırma hareketleriyle sütun sayısını değiştirebilirsiniz. Yeniden adlandırılabilir, paylaşılabilir, silinebilir, kopyalanabilir, taşınabilirler. Resimler ayrıca kırpılabilir, döndürülebilir veya doğrudan uygulama\'dan Duvar kağıdı olarak ayarlanabilir.
A highly customizable gallery capable of displaying many different image and video types including SVGs, RAWs, panoramic photos and videos.
Galeri, görüntüleri/videoları önizlemek, e-posta istemcilerine ek ekler yapmak için üçüncü taraf kullanımı için de önerilir. Bu\'s günlük kullanım için mükemmel.
It is open source, contains no ads or unnecessary permissions.
The fingerprint permission is needed for locking either hidden item visibility, or the whole app.
Let\'s list some of its features worth mentioning:
1. Search
2. Slideshow
3. Notch support
4. Pinning folders to the top
5. Filtering media files by type
6. Recycle bin for easy file recovery
7. Fullscreen view orientation locking
8. Marking favorite files for easy access
9. Quick fullscreen media closing with down gesture
10. An editor for modifying images and applying filters
11. Password protection for protecting hidden items or the whole app
12. Changing the thumbnail column count with gestures or menu buttons
13. Customizable bottom actions at the fullscreen view for quick access
14. Showing extended details over fullscreen media with desired file properties
15. Several different ways of sorting or grouping items, both ascending and descending
16. Hiding folders (affects other apps too), excluding folders (affects only Simple Gallery)
Reklam içermeyen veya gereksiz izinler. Tamamen açık kaynaktır, özelleştirilebilir renkler sağlar.
The fingerprint permission is needed for locking either hidden item visibility, the whole app, or protecting files from being deleted.
Bu uygulama, daha büyük bir uygulama serisinden sadece bir parça. Geri kalanını şu adresten bulabilirsiniz https://www.simplemobiletools.com
This app is just one piece of a bigger series of apps. You can find the rest of them at https://www.simplemobiletools.com
@ -211,15 +211,31 @@
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">Галерея для перегляду фото та відео без реклами.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Простий інструмент для перегляду фотографій і відео. Елементи можна сортувати за датою, розміром, ім\'ям як за зростанням, так і за спаданням, фотографії можна масштабувати. Медіафайли показуються у кілька колонок залежно від розміру екрану, їх кількість може бути змінена жестом \"щипок екрану\". Медіафайли можна перейменовувати, копіювати, переміщувати, видаляти або ділитися ними. Зображення також можна обрізати, обертати, віддзеркалювати або встановлювати як шпалери безпосередньо з додатку.
A highly customizable gallery capable of displaying many different image and video types including SVGs, RAWs, panoramic photos and videos.
Галерея також пропонується для використання третіми сторонами для перегляду зображень / відео, додавання долучень до клієнтів електронної пошти тощо. Вона ідеально підходить для щоденного використання.
It is open source, contains no ads or unnecessary permissions.
Дозвіл на доступ до відбитків пальців потрібен для блокування відображення прихованих елементів або для блокування всього застосунку.
Let\'s list some of its features worth mentioning:
1. Search
2. Slideshow
3. Notch support
4. Pinning folders to the top
5. Filtering media files by type
6. Recycle bin for easy file recovery
7. Fullscreen view orientation locking
8. Marking favorite files for easy access
9. Quick fullscreen media closing with down gesture
10. An editor for modifying images and applying filters
11. Password protection for protecting hidden items or the whole app
12. Changing the thumbnail column count with gestures or menu buttons
13. Customizable bottom actions at the fullscreen view for quick access
14. Showing extended details over fullscreen media with desired file properties
15. Several different ways of sorting or grouping items, both ascending and descending
16. Hiding folders (affects other apps too), excluding folders (affects only Simple Gallery)
Не містить реклами або непотрібних дозволів. Додаток повністю OpenSource, забезпечує налаштування кольорів.
The fingerprint permission is needed for locking either hidden item visibility, the whole app, or protecting files from being deleted.
Цей додаток є частиною великої серії схожих додатків. Ви можете знайти решту з них на https://www.simplemobiletools.com
This app is just one piece of a bigger series of apps. You can find the rest of them at https://www.simplemobiletools.com
@ -209,15 +209,31 @@
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">一个没有广告,用来观看照片及视频的相册。</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
A highly customizable gallery capable of displaying many different image and video types including SVGs, RAWs, panoramic photos and videos.
It is open source, contains no ads or unnecessary permissions.
Let\'s list some of its features worth mentioning:
1. Search
2. Slideshow
3. Notch support
4. Pinning folders to the top
5. Filtering media files by type
6. Recycle bin for easy file recovery
7. Fullscreen view orientation locking
8. Marking favorite files for easy access
9. Quick fullscreen media closing with down gesture
10. An editor for modifying images and applying filters
11. Password protection for protecting hidden items or the whole app
12. Changing the thumbnail column count with gestures or menu buttons
13. Customizable bottom actions at the fullscreen view for quick access
14. Showing extended details over fullscreen media with desired file properties
15. Several different ways of sorting or grouping items, both ascending and descending
16. Hiding folders (affects other apps too), excluding folders (affects only Simple Gallery)
The fingerprint permission is needed for locking either hidden item visibility, the whole app, or protecting files from being deleted.
这个应用只是一系列应用中的一小部份。您可以在 https://www.simplemobiletools.com 找到其余的应用。
This app is just one piece of a bigger series of apps. You can find the rest of them at https://www.simplemobiletools.com
@ -211,15 +211,31 @@
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">一個用來瀏覽相片和影片,且沒有廣告的相簿。</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
A highly customizable gallery capable of displaying many different image and video types including SVGs, RAWs, panoramic photos and videos.
It is open source, contains no ads or unnecessary permissions.
這程式只是一系列眾多應用程式的其中一項,你可以在這發現更多 https://www.simplemobiletools.com
Let\'s list some of its features worth mentioning:
1. Search
2. Slideshow
3. Notch support
4. Pinning folders to the top
5. Filtering media files by type
6. Recycle bin for easy file recovery
7. Fullscreen view orientation locking
8. Marking favorite files for easy access
9. Quick fullscreen media closing with down gesture
10. An editor for modifying images and applying filters
11. Password protection for protecting hidden items or the whole app
12. Changing the thumbnail column count with gestures or menu buttons
13. Customizable bottom actions at the fullscreen view for quick access
14. Showing extended details over fullscreen media with desired file properties
15. Several different ways of sorting or grouping items, both ascending and descending
16. Hiding folders (affects other apps too), excluding folders (affects only Simple Gallery)
The fingerprint permission is needed for locking either hidden item visibility, the whole app, or protecting files from being deleted.
This app is just one piece of a bigger series of apps. You can find the rest of them at https://www.simplemobiletools.com
@ -211,13 +211,29 @@
<!-- Short description has to have less than 80 chars -->
<string name="app_short_description">A gallery for viewing photos and videos without ads.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
A simple tool usable for viewing photos and videos. Items can be sorted by date, size, name both ascending or descending, photos can be zoomed in. Media files are shown in multiple columns depending on the size of the display, you can change the column count by pinch gestures. They can be renamed, shared, deleted, copied, moved. Images can also be cropped, rotated, flipped or set as Wallpaper directly from the app.
A highly customizable gallery capable of displaying many different image and video types including SVGs, RAWs, panoramic photos and videos.
The Gallery is also offered for third party usage for previewing images / videos, adding attachments at email clients etc. It\'s perfect for everyday usage.
It is open source, contains no ads or unnecessary permissions.
The fingerprint permission is needed for locking either hidden item visibility, or the whole app.
Let\'s list some of its features worth mentioning:
1. Search
2. Slideshow
3. Notch support
4. Pinning folders to the top
5. Filtering media files by type
6. Recycle bin for easy file recovery
7. Fullscreen view orientation locking
8. Marking favorite files for easy access
9. Quick fullscreen media closing with down gesture
10. An editor for modifying images and applying filters
11. Password protection for protecting hidden items or the whole app
12. Changing the thumbnail column count with gestures or menu buttons
13. Customizable bottom actions at the fullscreen view for quick access
14. Showing extended details over fullscreen media with desired file properties
15. Several different ways of sorting or grouping items, both ascending and descending
16. Hiding folders (affects other apps too), excluding folders (affects only Simple Gallery)
Contains no ads or unnecessary permissions. It is fully opensource, provides customizable colors.
The fingerprint permission is needed for locking either hidden item visibility, the whole app, or protecting files from being deleted.
This app is just one piece of a bigger series of apps. You can find the rest of them at https://www.simplemobiletools.com
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