diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-ca/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-ca/strings.xml
index bfcabf6f1..31bec47f3 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-ca/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-ca/strings.xml
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@
Puc escapçar imatges amb aquesta aplicació\?
Sí, podeu escapçar imatges a l\'editor, arrossegant les cantonades de la imatge. Es pot accedir a l\'editor prement prolongadament una miniatura d\'imatge i seleccionant Edita o seleccionant Edita des de la visualització de pantalla completa.
Puc agrupar d\'alguna manera les miniatures dels fitxers multimèdia\?
- Si, només cal utilitzar l\'element de menú «Agrupa per» mentre esteu a la vista de miniatures. Podeu agrupar fitxers amb diversos criteris, inclosa la data de presa. Si utilitzeu la funció «Mostra el contingut de totes les carpetes», també podeu agrupar-les per carpetes.
+ Sí, només cal utilitzar l\'element de menú «Agrupa per» mentre esteu a la vista de miniatures. Podeu agrupar fitxers amb diversos criteris, inclosa la data de presa. Si utilitzeu la funció «Mostra el contingut de totes les carpetes», també podeu agrupar-les per carpetes.
L\'ordenació per la data de presa no sembla funcionar correctament, com puc solucionar-ho\?
Probablement, els fitxers s\'han copiat des de qualsevol lloc. Podeu arreglar-ho seleccionant les miniatures de fitxer i seleccionant «Corregeix el valor de la data de presa».
Veig algunes bandes de colors a les imatges. Com puc millorar la qualitat\?
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-ckb/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-ckb/strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4cc40006e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-ckb/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+ Simple Gallery
+ Gallery
+ Edit
+ Open camera
+ (hidden)
+ (excluded)
+ Pin folder
+ Unpin folder
+ Pin to the top
+ Show all folders content
+ All folders
+ Switch to folder view
+ Other folder
+ Show on map
+ Unknown location
+ Volume
+ Brightness
+ Lock orientation
+ Unlock orientation
+ Change orientation
+ Force portrait
+ Force landscape
+ Use default orientation
+ Fix Date Taken value
+ Fixing…
+ Dates fixed successfully
+ No Date Taken values have been found
+ Share a resized version
+ Switch to file search across all visible folders
+ Set as default folder
+ Unset as default folder
+ Reorder folders by dragging
+ Reorder folders by dragging (Pro)
+ Restoring to \'%s\'
+ Filter media
+ Images
+ Videos
+ GIFs
+ RAW images
+ SVGs
+ Portraits
+ No media files have been found with the selected filters.
+ Change filters
+ This function hides the folder by adding a \'.nomedia\' file into it, it will hide all subfolders too. You can see them by toggling the \'Show hidden items\' option in Settings. Continue?
+ This will exclude the selection together with its subfolders from Simple Gallery only. You can manage excluded folders in Settings.
+ Exclude a parent instead?
+ Excluding folders will make them together with their subfolders hidden just in Simple Gallery, they will still be visible in other applications.\n\nIf you want to hide them from other apps too, use the Hide function.
+ Hidden folders
+ Manage hidden folders
+ Seems like you don\'t have any folders hidden with a \".nomedia\" file.
+ You have to grant the app All Files access to see hidden files, else it cannot work.
+ If a folder or one of its parent folders has a dot before its name, it is hidden and cannot be unhidden like this. You have to remove the dot by renaming it.
+ Included folders
+ Manage included folders
+ Add folder
+ If you have some folders which contain media, but were not recognized by the app, you can add them manually here.\n\nAdding some items here will not exclude any other folder.
+ No media files have been found. You can solve it by adding the folders containing media files manually.
+ Resize selection and save
+ Width
+ Height
+ Keep aspect ratio
+ Please enter a valid resolution
+ Resize multiple images
+ Resize factor
+ Resize images to the given percentage, value must be within 10 and 90.
+ Enter a number between 10 and 90
+ - Failed to resize %d image
+ - Failed to resize %d images
+ Images resized successfully
+ Editor
+ Basic Editor
+ Advanced Editor
+ Rotate
+ Invalid image path
+ Invalid video path
+ Image editing failed
+ Video editing failed
+ Image editing cancelled
+ Video editing cancelled
+ File edited successfully
+ Image edited successfully
+ Video edited successfully
+ Edit image with:
+ Edit video with:
+ No image editor found
+ No video editor found
+ Unknown file location
+ Could not overwrite the source file
+ Rotate left
+ Rotate right
+ Rotate by 180º
+ Transform
+ Crop
+ Draw
+ Flip
+ Flip horizontally
+ Flip vertically
+ Free
+ Other
+ Simple Wallpaper
+ Set as Wallpaper
+ Setting as Wallpaper failed
+ Set as wallpaper with:
+ Setting wallpaper…
+ Wallpaper set successfully
+ Portrait aspect ratio
+ Landscape aspect ratio
+ Home screen
+ Lock screen
+ Home and lock screen
+ Allow changing the aspect ratio
+ Slideshow
+ Interval
+ Include photos
+ Include videos
+ Include GIFs
+ Random order
+ Move backwards
+ Loop slideshow
+ Animation
+ None
+ Fade
+ Slide
+ The slideshow ended
+ No media for the slideshow have been found
+ Group direct subfolders
+ Group by
+ Do not group files
+ Folder
+ Last modified
+ Last modified (daily)
+ Last modified (monthly)
+ Date taken
+ Date taken (daily)
+ Date taken (monthly)
+ File type
+ Extension
+ Show file count at section headers
+ Please note that grouping and sorting are 2 independent fields
+ Folder shown on the widget:
+ Show folder name
+ Play videos automatically
+ Remember last video playback position
+ Loop videos
+ Animate GIFs at thumbnails
+ Max brightness when viewing fullscreen media
+ Crop thumbnails into squares
+ Show video durations
+ Rotate fullscreen media by
+ System setting
+ Device rotation
+ Aspect ratio
+ Black background at fullscreen media
+ Scroll thumbnails horizontally
+ Automatically hide system UI at fullscreen media
+ Delete empty folders after deleting their content
+ Allow controlling photo brightness with vertical gestures
+ Allow controlling video volume and brightness with vertical gestures
+ Show folder media count on the main view
+ Show extended details over fullscreen media
+ Manage extended details
+ Allow one finger zoom at fullscreen media
+ Allow instantly changing media by clicking on screen sides
+ Allow deep zooming images
+ Hide extended details when status bar is hidden
+ Show some action buttons at the bottom of the screen
+ Show the Recycle Bin at the folders screen
+ Deep zoomable images
+ Show images in the highest possible quality
+ Show the Recycle Bin as the last item on the main screen
+ Allow closing the fullscreen view with a down gesture
+ Allow 1:1 zooming in with two double taps
+ Always open videos on a separate screen with new horizontal gestures
+ Show a notch if available
+ Allow rotating images with gestures
+ File loading priority
+ Speed
+ Compromise
+ Avoid showing invalid files
+ Show image file types
+ Allow zooming videos with double tapping them
+ Folder thumbnail style
+ File thumbnail style
+ Mark favorite items
+ Thumbnail spacing
+ Show file count on a separate line
+ Show file count in brackets
+ Do not show file count
+ Limit long folder titles to 1 line
+ Square
+ Rounded corners
+ Export favorites
+ Import favorites
+ Paths imported successfully
+ To make sure that all file operations work reliably, please make this app a Media management app in your device settings.
+ Password protect excluded folder visibility
+ Something went wrong, please go into your device Settings - Apps - Special app access - Media management apps and allow this app to manage media.
+ If the redirection does not work, please go into your device Settings - Apps - Special app access - Media management apps and allow this app to manage media.
+ If you do not want to do it, you can also go into your device Settings - Apps - Special app access - Media management apps and allow this app to manage media.
+ Alternatively, you can allow accessing media files only. In that case you will not be able to work with hidden files though.
+ Media only
+ All files
+ Search all files instead of folders on the main screen
+ Show a menu button for toggling Show All Folders Content quickly
+ Thumbnails
+ Fullscreen media
+ Extended details
+ Bottom actions
+ Manage visible bottom actions
+ Toggle favorite
+ Toggle file visibility
+ Custom
+ Reset
+ Square
+ Transform
+ Filter
+ None
+ Adjust
+ Shadows
+ Exposure
+ Highlights
+ Brightness
+ Contrast
+ Saturation
+ Clarity
+ Gamma
+ Blacks
+ Whites
+ Temperature
+ Sharpness
+ Reset
+ Focus
+ None
+ Radial
+ Linear
+ Mirrored
+ Gaussian
+ Add text
+ Text
+ Text Options
+ Text Color
+ Font
+ Add
+ Edit
+ Straighten
+ Font
+ Color
+ BG Color
+ Alignment
+ To Front
+ Delete
+ Your text
+ Brush
+ Color
+ Size
+ Hardness
+ To Front
+ Delete
+ Brush Color
+ Editor
+ Close Editor?
+ Do you really want to discard the changes?
+ Yes
+ No
+ Cancel
+ Accept
+ Save
+ Exporting…
+ Exporting %s.
+ Sticker
+ Sticker Color
+ Sticker Options
+ Add
+ Color
+ Delete
+ To Front
+ Straighten
+ Replace
+ Opacity
+ Contrast
+ Saturation
+ Brightness
+ Uploads
+ Overlay
+ Normal
+ Darken
+ Screen
+ Overlay
+ Lighten
+ Multiply
+ Color Burn
+ Soft Light
+ Hard Light
+ None
+ Golden
+ Lightleak 1
+ Mosaic
+ Paper
+ Rain
+ Vintage
+ Flip H
+ Flip V
+ Undo
+ Redo
+ Color Picker
+ Transparent
+ White
+ Gray
+ Black
+ Light blue
+ Blue
+ Purple
+ Orchid
+ Pink
+ Red
+ Orange
+ Gold
+ Yellow
+ Olive
+ Green
+ Aquamarin
+ Pipettable color
+ Trim
+ How can I make Simple Gallery the default device gallery?
+ First you have to find the currently default gallery in the Apps section of your device settings, look for a button that says something like \"Open by default\", click on it, then select \"Clear defaults\".
+ The next time you will try opening an image or video you should see an app picker, where you can select Simple Gallery and make it the default app.
+ I locked the app with a password, but I forgot it. What can I do?
+ You can solve it in 2 ways. You can either reinstall the app, or find the app in your device settings and select \"Clear data\". It will reset all your settings, it will not remove any media files.
+ How can I make an album always appear at the top?
+ You can long press the desired album and select the Pin icon at the actions menu, that will pin it to the top. You can pin multiple folders too, pinned items will be sorted by the default sorting method.
+ How can I fast forward videos?
+ You can do it by double tapping the side of the screen, or tapping the current or max duration texts near the seekbar. If you enable opening videos on a separate screen in the app settings, you can use horizontal gestures too.
+ What is the difference between hiding and excluding a folder?
+ Exclude prevents displaying the folder only in Simple Gallery, while Hide works system-wise and it hides the folder from other galleries too. It works by creating an empty \".nomedia\" file in the given folder, which you can then remove with any file manager too. Note that some devices do not allow hiding folders like Camera, Screenshots and Downloads.
+ Why do folders with music cover art or stickers show up?
+ It can happen that you will see some unusual albums show up. You can easily exclude them by long pressing them and selecting Exclude. In the next dialog you can then select the parent folder, chances are it will prevent the other related albums showing up too.
+ A folder with images isn\'t showing up, or it doesn\'t show all items. What can I do?
+ That can have multiple reasons, but solving it is easy. Just go in Settings -> Manage Included Folders, select Plus and navigate to the required folder.
+ What if I want just a few particular folders visible?
+ Adding a folder at the Included Folders doesn\'t automatically exclude anything. What you can do is go in Settings -> Manage Excluded Folders, exclude the root folder \"/\", then add the desired folders at Settings -> Manage Included Folders.
+ That will make only the selected folders visible, as both excluding and including are recursive and if a folder is both excluded and included, it will show up.
+ Can I crop images with this app?
+ Yes, you can crop images in the editor, by dragging the image corners. You can get to the editor either by long pressing an image thumbnail and selecting Edit, or selecting Edit from the fullscreen view.
+ Can I somehow group media file thumbnails?
+ Sure, just use the \"Group by\" menu item while at the thumbnails view. You can group files by multiple criteria, including Date Taken. If you use the \"Show all folders content\" function you can group them by folders too.
+ Sorting by Date Taken doesn\'t seem to work properly, how can I fix it?
+ It is most likely caused by the files being copied from somewhere. You can fix it by selecting the file thumbnails and selecting \"Fix Date Taken value\".
+ I see some color banding on the images. How can I improve the quality?
+ The current solution for displaying images works fine in the vast majority of cases, but if you want even better image quality, you can enable the \"Show images in the highest possible quality\" at the app settings, in the \"Deep zoomable images\" section.
+ I have hidden a file/folder. How can I unhide it?
+ You can either press the \"Temporarily show hidden items\" menu item at the main screen, or toggle \"Show hidden items\" in the app settings to see the hidden item. If you want to unhide it, just long press it and select \"Unhide\". Folders are hidden by adding a hidden \".nomedia\" file into them, you can delete the file with any file manager too. Note that hiding works recursively though, so if you hide a folder, all subfolders will become hidden too. So for unhiding the subfolders you have to unhide the parent folder.
+ Why does the app take up so much space?
+ App cache can take up to 250MB, it ensures quicker image loading. If the app is taking up even more space, it is most likely caused by you having items in the Recycle Bin. Those files count to the app size. You can clear the Recycle bin by opening it and deleting all files, or from the app settings. Every file in the Bin is deleted automatically after 30 days.
+ What happened to file and folder hiding and why cannot I see hidden items anymore?
+ Starting with Android 11 you cannot hide or unhide files or folders anymore, you cannot see the hidden ones in gallery apps due to system restrictions either. You will have to use some file manager for that.
+ Or you can also grant this gallery access to All Files through your device settings, that will allow us showing hidden items and make file operations more reliable in general.
+ Why cannot I include missing folders anymore?
+ That stopped working due to the system changes that came with Android 11 too, the app cannot browse real folders anymore, it relies on the so called MediaStore at fetching data.
+ Why do I see ads during video playback?
+ Our apps have no ads whatsoever. If you see them during video playback, you must be using some other apps video player. Try finding your default video player in the device settings, then do a \"Clear defaults\" on it. The next time you invoke some video intent you will see an app picker prompt, where you can select what app you want to use.
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-de/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-de/strings.xml
index 2eeba76d9..283ec2808 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-de/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-de/strings.xml
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
Keine Bildeditor-App gefunden
Keine Videoeditor-App gefunden
Unbekannter Dateipfad
- Konnte Quelldatei nicht überschreiben
+ Quelldatei konnte nicht überschrieben werden
Nach links drehen
Nach rechts drehen
Um 180° drehen
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml
index d4b3fd767..ed97cfd56 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml
@@ -45,8 +45,7 @@
- 這功能藉由新增一個\".nomedia\"檔案,來隱藏資料夾和所有子資料夾。您可以透過[設定]中的\"顯示隱藏的項目\"選項來檢視。
+ 啟用此功能將會在選定資料夾中建立「.nomedia」檔案,使該資料夾及其所有子資料夾被隱藏。如果您想查看這些隱藏的資料夾,可以在設定中選擇「顯示隱藏項目」的選項。是否繼續?
@@ -55,14 +54,15 @@
- You have to grant the app All Files access to see hidden files, else it cannot work.
- If a folder or one of its parent folders has a dot before its name, it is hidden and cannot be unhidden like this. You have to remove the dot by renaming it.
+ 為了讓您能夠查看隱藏的檔案,請務必開放「所有檔案存取」的權限給此應用程式,否則將無法正常使用。
+ 若資料夾或其母資料夾的名稱前方有「.」,該資料夾將會被隱藏,而此情況下不能直接取消隱藏。您需要改變資料夾名稱以移除前方的「.」。
- 如果有些資料夾含有媒體檔案,但本 app 沒有辨識到,您可以在此手動加入。
+ 如果您擁有一些含有媒體文件但未被應用程式識別的資料夾,您可以手動於此新增它們。
@@ -70,19 +70,18 @@
- Resize multiple images
- Resize factor
- Resize images to the given percentage, value must be within 10 and 90.
- Enter a number between 10 and 90
+ 批量調整圖片大小
+ 調整比例
+ 請將圖片大小調整至指定百分比,數值範圍為 10 到 90。
+ 請輸入 10 到 90 之間的數值
- - Failed to resize %d image
- - Failed to resize %d images
+ - %d 張圖片大小調整失敗
- Images resized successfully
+ 圖片調整大小成功
- Basic Editor
- Advanced Editor
+ 基礎編輯器
+ 進階編輯器
@@ -102,9 +101,9 @@
- Transform
- Crop
- Draw
+ 變形
+ 裁切
+ 繪畫
@@ -154,7 +153,7 @@
拍攝日期 (按月)
- Show file count at section headers
+ 於分段標題顯示檔案數量