<stringname="hide_folder_description">Bu işlev, klasöre\'.medya yok\'dosyası ekleyerek gizler; tüm alt klasörleri de gizler. Bunları Ayarlar\'da\'Gizli klasörleri göster\'seçeneğine basarak görebilirsiniz. Devam et?</string>
<stringname="excluded_folders">Hariç tutulan klasörler</string>
<stringname="manage_excluded_folders">Hariç tutulan klasörleri yönet</string>
<stringname="exclude_folder_description">Bu, seçimi alt klasörleriyle birlikte yalnızca Basit Galeri\'den hariç tutacaktır. Dışlanan klasörleri Ayarlar\'dan yönetebilirsiniz.</string>
<stringname="exclude_folder_parent">Bunun yerine ebeveynleri hariç tutun?</string>
<stringname="excluded_activity_placeholder">Klasörler hariç tutulduğunda, onları Basit Galeri\'de gizli olan alt klasörleriyle bir araya getirirler, ancak yine de diğer uygulamalarda görünür olurlar.\n\nBunları diğer uygulamalardan gizlemek isterseniz, Gizle işlevini kullanın.</string>
<stringname="include_folders">Dahil edilen klasörler</string>
<stringname="manage_included_folders">Dahil edilen klasörleri yönet</string>
<stringname="add_folder">Klasör ekle</string>
<stringname="included_activity_placeholder">Ortam içeren, ancak uygulama tarafından tanınmayan bazı klasörleriniz varsa, bunları el ile buradan ekleyebilirsiniz.</string>
<stringname="faq_1_title">How can I make Simple Gallery the default device gallery?</string>
<stringname="faq_1_text">First you have to find the currently default gallery in the Apps section of your device settings, look for a button that says something like \"Open by default\", click on it, then select \"Clear defaults\".
The next time you will try opening an image or video you should see an app picker, where you can select Simple Gallery and make it the default app.</string>
<stringname="faq_2_title">I locked the app with a password, but I forgot it. What can I do?</string>
<stringname="faq_2_text">You can solve it in 2 ways. You can either reinstall the app, or find the app in your device settings and select \"Clear data\". It will reset all your settings, it will not remove any media files.</string>
<stringname="faq_3_title">How can I make an album always appear at the top?</string>
<stringname="faq_3_text">You can long press the desired album and select the Pin icon at the actionmenu, that will pin it to the top. You can pin multiple folders too, pinned items will be sorted by the default sorting method.</string>
<stringname="faq_4_title">How can I fast-forward videos?</string>
<stringname="faq_4_text">You can click on the current or max duration texts near the seekbar, that will move the video either backward, or forward.</string>
<stringname="faq_5_title">What is the difference between hiding and excluding a folder?</string>
<stringname="faq_5_text">Exclude prevents displaying the folder only in Simple Gallery, while Hide works system-wise and it hides the folder from other galleries too. It works by creating an empty \".nomedia\" file in the given folder, which you can then remove with any file manager too.</string>
<stringname="faq_6_title">Why do folders with music cover art or stickers show up?</string>
<stringname="faq_6_text">It can happen that you will see some unusual albums show up. You can easily exclude them by long pressing them and selecting Exclude. In the next dialog you can then select the parent folder, chances are it will prevent the other related albums showing up too.</string>
<stringname="faq_7_title">A folder with images isn\'t showing up, what can I do?</string>
<stringname="faq_7_text">That can have multiple reasons, but solving it is easy. Just go in Settings -> Manage Included Folders, select Plus and navigate to the required folder.</string>
<stringname="faq_8_title">What if I want just a few particular folders visible?</string>
<stringname="faq_8_text">Adding a folder at the Included Folders doesn\'t automatically exclude anything. What you can do is go in Settings -> Manage Excluded Folders, exclude the root folder \"/\", then add the desired folders at Settings -> Manage Included Folders.
That will make only the selected folders visible, as both excluding and including are recursive and if a folder is both excluded and included, it will show up.</string>
<stringname="faq_9_title">Fullscreen images have weird artifacts, can I somehow improve the quality?</string>
<stringname="faq_9_text">Yea, there is a toggle in Settings saying \"Replace deep zoomable images with better quality ones\", you can use that. It will improve the quality of the images, but they will get blurred once you try zooming in too much.</string>
<stringname="faq_10_title">Can I crop images with this app?</string>
<stringname="faq_10_text">Yes, you can crop images in the editor, by dragging the image corners. You can get to the editor either by long pressing an image thumbnail and selecting Edit, or selecting Edit from the fullscreen view.</string>
<stringname="faq_11_title">Can I somehow group media file thumbnails?</string>
<stringname="faq_11_text">Sure, just use the \"Group by\" menu item while at the thumbnails view. You can group files by multiple criteria, including Date Taken. If you use the \"Show all folders content\" function you can group them by folders too.</string>
<stringname="faq_12_title">Sorting by Date Taken doesn\'t seem to work properly, how can I fix it?</string>
<stringname="faq_12_text">It is most likely caused by the files being copied from somewhere. You can fix it by selecting the file thumbnails and selecting \"Fix Date Taken value\".</string>
Fotoğrafları ve videoları görüntülemek için kullanılabilecek basit bir araç. Öğeler tarihine, boyutuna, adına göre artan veya azalan olarak sıralanabilir, fotoğraflar yakınlaştırılabilir. Medya dosyaları, ekranın boyutuna bağlı olarak birden fazla sütunda gösterilir, sıkıştırma hareketleriyle sütun sayısını değiştirebilirsiniz. Yeniden adlandırılabilir, paylaşılabilir, silinebilir, kopyalanabilir, taşınabilirler. Resimler ayrıca kırpılabilir, döndürülebilir veya doğrudan uygulama\'dan Duvar kağıdı olarak ayarlanabilir.
Galeri, görüntüleri/videoları önizlemek, e-posta istemcilerine ek ekler yapmak için üçüncü taraf kullanımı için de önerilir. Bu\'s günlük kullanım için mükemmel.