import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:gophershy/gopherlib.dart'; /// Basic Gopher plaintext widget /// Should be able to display ASCII ART // TODO: separate ASCIIArtTextWidget and PlainTextWidget // First will scroll horizontlay, preserving formating, // Second will wrap lines to make it more readable on phones // TODO: Somehow add option to re-render plaintext as menu view class GopherText extends StatelessWidget { final LoadedGopherItem item; final ScrollController controller = ScrollController(); GopherText(this.item, {super.key}); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { // TODO: Figure out how to stop line wrap // TODO: figure out how to switch between line wrap and no wrap return SizedBox( width: 4000, child: SingleChildScrollView( controller: controller, scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal, // Really shitty hack that works half way // but leaves shitton of space on the right child: SizedBox( width: 4000, child: ListView.builder( shrinkWrap: true, itemCount:, itemBuilder: (context, int n) { return SelectableText( utf8.decode(![n], allowMalformed: true), style: const TextStyle( fontFamily: "SourceCodePro", fontWeight: FontWeight.w600, height: 1.0, // Might need to be tuned for ASCII art letterSpacing: 1, wordSpacing: 1, overflow: TextOverflow.clip ), ); }, ), ), ), ); } } //TODO: BinaryWidget with option of downloading it //TODO: MediaWidget with option for displaying images, maybe playing WAVs? /// Shows listing of gopher directory class GopherDirectory extends StatelessWidget { final LoadedGopherItem parsedDirectory; final Function(ParsedGopherItem clickedOn) onItemClick; const GopherDirectory({super.key, required this.parsedDirectory, required this.onItemClick}); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return ListView.builder( itemCount: parsedDirectory.asMenu!.length, itemBuilder: (context, int n) { final item = parsedDirectory.asMenu![n]; return GestureDetector( onTap: () => item.documentType == DocumentType.Informational ? null : onItemClick(item), child: Text( ?? "err")); }, ); } }